Page 72 of Alien Legacy

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“Wait! You can’t go yet.”

“Why not?” Qhasheik’s black eyebrows rose. “I can take him to Azadi and be home for dinner.”

No. He had to stay here! Her fists clenched.

Abiditan put his hand on the other man’s shoulder and spoke.

She couldn’t hear what he said over the loud rush roaring in her ears.

Zamush murmured about appreciating something and crossed his arms.

This couldn’t go any further. “Hey, wait a minute!” She ran with one arm outstretched, as if to hold them in place. “You can’t go!”

Zamush whipped his head around, causing his black hair to fan over his shoulders. “What?”

Jelena grabbed the sleeves of his thick leather coat and gave him a small shake. “You can’t go anywhere.” She leaned in. “We need to talk.”

His lips thinned. He glanced at her, then looked away before contemplating her again.

Abiditan opened his mouth as if to say something, but Zamush put up his palm.

Giving her two mentors a quick glance, she smiled at their mirrored expressions of wide-eyed amazement. She turned back to Zamush and whispered. “Can we go somewhere and talk?”

His striking features tightened. “I can’t imagine about what.” He gently pried her fingers off and moved back. “If you’ll excuse me, Abiditan and I have things to go over.” He turned to head away.

Jelena took a deep breath. That guarded look on his face pissed her off. She rushed and jumped in front of him. “Listen. I-you-we-” Shit!

His frown deepened.

“What’s wrong with you?” Qhasheik demanded behind her. “You’re acting weird. Even for you.”

Qhasheik could just kiss her butt. She grabbed Zamush’s forearms and gave a little shake. “Please.” She broke out in a cold sweat. “Alone.”

His lips pinched as he shrugged out of her tight grip. “If you have something to say to me, then do it here.” His tone was final. He crossed his arms.

She resisted the urge to stamp her foot. This wasn’t the way this was supposed to go! He’d been following her around ever since they met, constantly underfoot. What changed?

Her eyes narrowed. Did this have something to do with those women? He was hers. Once that idea took root, she couldn’t shake it. Not that she wanted to. He had to give her a chance to work through her stupid, conflicted emotions. Dammit! She grabbed his coat lapels and pulled. With clumsy efficiency, she aligned her lips with his.

The connection was everything she’d ever dreamed it’d be. His hard body pressed into hers, bringing his exotic scent that filled her with mouthwatering ecstasy.

At first, he refused to open, but she persisted by suckling on the closed seam of his mouth. Everything else faded into the background. The mutterings from Qhasheik and Abiditan melted away. She didn’t give them a second thought. All that mattered was the man in her arms.

With a firm hold, Zamush wrapped his arms around her. One hand cradled her head while the other clamped around her waist and pulled her flush against his hard erection under his leather pants.

An uncontrolled, throaty moan escaped her as he took over the kiss.

More. Jelena had to have more. When she pulled away, his dazed expression made her warm. “We’re leaving.” A rush of power swamped through her.

All at once, she knew how to do this. Wrapping her arms around his trim waist, she turned her head to nestle into his muscular chest. His thundering heart was in tune with hers. She smiled and held tight.

For the first time in her life, Jelena teleported. Taking him where she wanted.


One minute Zamush was master of the universe. His life was on track with an obvious purpose. He’d go back to Azadi, connect with his family, and put all of his efforts into stopping the Akurn invasion. And most of all, he’d stay the hell away from Jelena. Just seeing the way her eyes followed Sychar’s every move and her insistence she loved him finally sank in. He had to get off this planet like yesterday.

He was so sure leaving was the right thing to do, but then Jelena’s lips touched his. In that split second, he was as fucked-up as his brother Pete ever claimed he was.

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