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“Touch your nipples, Charlotte. Use both hands to squeeze and pull at those deliciously pink peaks.”

My hands immediately find them, doing exactly as he asked. I moan my pleasure, my eyes falling closed as I picture his hands on me. His scent surrounding me.

My hips move of their own accord, bucking up and down. My core tightens on… nothing. I groan, wishing he was here with me.

“I know, baby. You’re so fucking hot. Take your right hand down to your pussy and put in two fingers. Pump in and out before circling your clit over and over.”

“Fucking finally!” I shout, unable to contain my relief. I feel like I could go right now. It won’t take much for me to finally come.

His chuckle turns into a long, low groan as he watches me slide my hand down my stomach, finding my thighs slick and my pussy wanting. I quickly slide one finger in again, pumping in and out twice before adding another finger. My back arches off the couch. The moan that slips past my lips is long and filled with the first bit of relief.

In and out, in and out. Just like he said. I open my eyes to find him watching intently on the screen. I can still only see his face and chest, but I watch his arm move in quick, precise jerks.

“Show me,” I say, giving him my first command since this started.

He doesn’t hesitate to push back in the chair he sits in. His phone is propped on his desk since he’s in his office. My eyes only stray to the room around him for a second before homing in on his exposed dick. His hand is wrapped around the base as he pumps it in long, slow strokes. A bead of pre-cum is on his perfectly mushroomed head.

My fingers thrust in and out of my pussy faster, using the heel of my palm to put pressure on my clit. My breathing picks up as I watch him pleasure himself right along with me. This is the hottest, most erotic experience of my life, and I’m loving every fucking second of it.

“Are you close, baby?” he asks. I nod as my hips rise and fall faster, matching my fevered pace. I add another finger, and my core clamps down on them. His breathing becomes harsh. “Come, baby. Come with me.”

I moan as the first part of my orgasm takes me. I hold eye contact the whole time, unable to get another word or sound out of my mouth as the first big wave of pleasure hits. Wave after wave of pure fucking bliss overwhelms me.

I watch with rapt attention. He grunts as hot, sticky ropes of cum spurt from the crown of his dick, running down his hand as he continues to pump himself up and down. It only spurs my orgasm on as I continue to come watching him do just the same.

“Fuck, fuck, Charlie.” He groans as the last of his cum runs down his fist.

My orgasm wanes, leaving me spent and sweaty on the couch. My fingers are still inside my pussy, and my eyes are closed as I catch my breath.

When I open them, I find Andrew watching me intently. I smile, my chest filling with warmth and affection.

“That is definitely still my favorite part,” he says with a smirk on his face.

“Good,” I reply, matching his smirk. “A girl could get used to orgasms like that.”

“You better get used to it. I don’t plan on going anywhere.”

The smile and happiness that overtakes me when I hear his words is overwhelming and welcome. I’m almost giddy with how happy I am. With how happy he makes me.

“When can you visit again?” The question blurts out of my mouth before I can overthink asking.

He grunts as he sits up and reaches past the camera. His chest fills the screen. When he leans back again, he has some napkins in his hand and wipes up the mess on his groin and chest.

“Soon, I hope,” is his only response. His tone is more closed off than I had hoped for.

Always half answers with this one. I grab my shirt off the floor by my feet and quickly put it back on. My nipples are pebbled, but now it’s due to the chill in the room.

I say nothing as I stand to retrieve my pants from the floor and put those on as well. Once I’m fully clothed, I go back to the couch and sit. Andrew comes back into view as I sit back down.

“Are you mad?” His question jolts me out of my thoughts.

Am I mad? No, I don’t think so.

“I’m not mad. I’m a little disappointed, but I understand. You have a life there, a career. I guess I’m just more worried about how we’re going to make this work.”

He sighs, seemingly frustrated as well. “I know. I promise I’ll come as soon as I can, but there’s just too much going on that I have to be here for.”

I give him a reassuring smile. I know he is trying, and I’m trying, too. That’s all I can ask for.
