Page 107 of Unburdening His Heart

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Andrea’s eyes are cast down at the floor. I can’t imagine how she and Addy feel, knowing it’s been their own father behind their suffering all this time.

Adalyn stands, walks over to SJ, and gives him a gentle hug. “Thanks for coming, SJ. We didn’t know who else to call.”

A chuckle escapes his lips. “Well, I hope you didn’t consider calling anyone else,” he teases.

A smile spreads across Addy’s face, one I’m glad to see. “Of course not.”

SJ looks at Nathan. “Where is Miss Sophia?”

Nathan softens some at the mention of Sophia. “She’s with Irene and Joe. Definitely in excellent hands while we’re away.”

Adalyn walks over and takes her seat again.

Jack walks over and pulls his laptop from his bag. He opens it and types in his password. “SJ, I think you’re going to be the best man to find this Colin guy.”

He walks the laptop over to SJ before pulling the jump drive from his pocket and plugging it in. He hands the laptop to SJ.

“What do we know about Colin?” SJ asks, but his eyes are on the computer screen. The mouse clicks repeatedly as he opens files, but I can’t see the screen.

“Mainly, that he’s a private investigator Andrew has been working with to gather evidence against Malcom and Christopher. We also think he may have been the man who delivered the package to us with the jump drive and letters.”

SJ’s head tilts to the side at the mention of Colin being a private investigator. “Hmmm,” SJ says, still opening files. “Some of these files go back years. Andrew has been working on this for a long time.”

“We had no idea he even suspected our father, much less that he had him followed,” Andrea says, rubbing her hands up and down her arms.

I spot goosebumps from where I stand. It isn’t cold in here, so I can only assume the mention of her father being involved gives her chills. It would me, too.

“I never thought Dad was a saint, but I never suspected he’d target us, either. His own kids!” Addy says, her voice filled with anger.

SJ looks away from the screen momentarily to address Andrea and Addy. “I can’t imagine what this news feels like to you two. What it felt like to Andrew when he found it. I’ll do everything I can to help and make sure you three get justice for what Malcom and Christopher did to you.”

“Thank you, SJ. You’ve become more like family to us. We know we can count on you,” Andrea says, arms still wrapped around herself. It may be the only thing holding her together.

Adalyn and I nod in agreement. “Thank you, SJ,” we say in unison.

Jack scrubs his hands over his face and releases a heavy breath. “I think I’ll take a walk now that SJ is here. Andrea, are you okay here for a bit?”

Andrea nods. “I’m okay. Go ahead.”

“I’ll make some calls and see if I can find Colin. He’ll be the best place to start with all of this,” SJ interjects.

Jack claps his hand on SJ’s shoulder. “Thank you. I won’t be long.” Jack turns toward Nathan and motions towards the door.

Without a word or hesitation, Nathan turns to give Addy a quick peck on the lips before walking out of the room with Jack. She barely has a moment to react before he’s gone.

Chapter Thirty


Christopher’s back is to me, and I see Andrea clearly as she stands behind the café counter. She’s doing so well standing up to that asshole that pride blooms in my chest. Christopher turns red from fury, and that only makes me more nervous.

I shift back and forth out on the quiet street corner. The slight breeze does nothing to cool me down. I stand behind a streetlamp post to the left of the café doors. It’s so important for me to stay out of view, but I also can’t risk not catching every moment of their showdown. If Christopher turns around and really looks, he could spot me easily. However, I’m banking on the fact that he won’t be able to take his eyes off Andrea.

This is a dangerous plan, but it’s an almost foolproof way to end this here and now for her. I want her to have her life back and a chance to be truly happy. Even if it isn’t in the cards for me, it can be for her. If anything happens to her, I’ll never forgive myself. This was my idea, after all.

Suddenly, Christopher reaches for something in the back of his pants, and my feet instinctively move before my brain can even process it’s a gun. Just as I get inside the café doors, a blur of red clouds my vision with another flash of something metal.

Before I can reach him, the crazy redhead nails him in the back of the head with a… Wait. Is that a fucking sheet pan?

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