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Winona squealed and clapped.

August tipped my chin. His eyes were so similar to Caelan’s, but lit by a different fire. “You ever been fishing, Marcy?”

“Miss Davins.”

“See, there's a certain visceral response fish have when they’re presented with live bait, Miss Davins.” He slid two fingers against my pulse, then took my hand and pressed it to his own. “Holds true the higher you climb the food chain.”

Caelan came between us. “This is inappropriate, August. Marcy is a member of my department. Lay a hand on her again and I will be justified in ripping it off.”

“You swiped Jali from underneath my nose. You owe me a warm body.” He gave me a once-over. “Hers’ll do.”

“Touch either of them, you lose your hand. Are we understood?” At his brother's reluctant agreement, Caelan turned to me. “If you aren't careful about which hives you kick, you're gonna get stung mighty bad.” His tone was stern, but there was a faint gleam of approval in his eyes.

“Yes, sir,” I replied.

“We’ve got a full schedule today.” Caelan leaned against his truck. “What are you doing here except startling my prey?”

The Louisiana sheriff scrolled through his phone. “Wellness check. You skipped an assignment last night.”

Skipped? I glanced across at Caelan.

Unphased, he shrugged. “And?”

“They’re retracting your leash thanks to this human stunt. In these trying times, it's good to have a brother's vote of confidence.” August came beside him. “Moreso when he’s overseeing your evaluation. We’ll start by making this right.”

It took Caelan a while to reply. “That a request or an order?”

“Let's not nitpick.” August draped an arm over his brother’s shoulder. “We haven't hunted in years. This'll be fun. You remember what fun is, don't you?”

Caelan asked a hoarse, “Who?”

“A, uh—” August glanced at his phone. “—Rachel Walker.”

In the truck's reflection, the color drained from my face. “The doctor?” I asked.

“She’s been posting about the incident on social media.”

“No,” I sputtered. “You can’t.”

August lifted an eye brow, the corners of his mouth forming an incredulous smile. “No?”

“Don’t make him cross, Marcy.” Rubbing his tattoo, Caelan focused on the gravel between his boots. “You ain’t winning this.”

I frowned at him. “She barely saw anything. Write her off as nuts.”

“She saw enough not to forget,” Winnie added.

“So did I.”

August prodded my chest. “But you, lamb shank, have value.”

I slapped him.

His hand rose to return the favor when Caelan thumped the side of the truck. Glaring at him, then me, August turned on his heel and headed for his own vehicle, waving his hand. “Bring the bitch to heel.”

Caelan pointed his pen at Winnie. “Winona, please deliver Miss Davins to my department headquarters. This—” He passed me a phone number torn from his notepad. “—Is Jorge's number. Give him a heads-up to let him know you're coming. Call me when you've arrived.” His eyebrows rose in the deputy's direction. “In one piece.”

She crossed her arms. “I don't answer to you.”

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