Page 27 of There I Find Trust

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Chapter 10

“Luke, are you awake?”

Luke stirred in his bed, tugging his wife closer and trying to grab hold of the dream that he had been having.

She was warm and soft, and his dream had been sweet and nice. He didn’t want to climb out of sleep.


The last of his dream bubble popped, taking with it everything but the feeling that it left. Nice. He ran a hand down his wife’s thigh, her skin soft and warm. If he had to wake up, he could think of a few things he’d like to do.

“Luke? Are you awake?”

Kristin’s hand came down on his, stopping it on her thigh She threaded their fingers together but squeezed, like she was trying to get his attention.

She had it. Maybe not where she wanted it, but she did have it.


“Yeah?” he said, sleep roughening his voice. He was slowly starting to realize that she’d been trying to get his attention for a while.

“Are you awake?” she asked again.

He smiled. “No?”

She rolled, first to her back, then to her side facing him, where her hand came up and touched the stubble on his cheek while her other hand tucked under his thigh.

“What about now?” she asked.

“I’m awake. And ready for whatever it is you have planned.”

“Good. I feel like there’s something wrong. And I need you to go check.”

That was not what he was hoping she had planned.

“Let me requalify. I’m ready for anything you have planned that doesn’t get me out of bed.”

“Luke! I think there’s something wrong.”

“Can you be more specific?” he said, hearing the note of concern in her voice and trying to be just as concerned as she was. After all, she was his wife, her concern should be his. But really, he didn’t want her to have any concerns, so he would happily deal with whatever it was she was concerned about. She wouldn’t have woken him up for just anything. She never had before.

“I don’t know. I just have a feeling. Something’s off. I don’t know what it is, but I can’t sleep, and I know there’s something wrong.”

“Interesting.” He sniffed. He didn’t smell smoke.

“Is the house on fire?” she asked, and an edge of panic crept into her voice mingling with the concern.

“I don’t smell anything. What exactly do you think is wrong?” He was fully awake now, although his body still didn’t want to move. He held her a little closer to him, tucking her head underneath his chin while he listened intently. He didn’t hear anything. Didn’t smell anything.

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