Page 25 of There I Find Trust

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“Did you build this yourself?”

He grinned. “I had help from a buddy, but yeah. We made everything. Except of course the sink and that type of thing. Did you figure out the pump?”

“I’ve used that kind of pump before.” She wanted to stop talking about that. Continuing on without taking a break, she said, “I haven’t had occasion to use it because I couldn’t cook anything.”

“All right. I have a lamp here somewhere,” he said, opening up the cupboard door above the refrigerator. It had been too high for her, and she hadn’t been overly curious about what was in the cupboards anyway. She assumed it was the normal plates and that type of thing.

But he pulled out a lamp, holding it carefully so he didn’t spill the oil that was inside.

“I never even thought about looking for a lamp.”

“I don’t use it during the summer. It’s usually light enough to see, and if I happen to get up before daylight or stay up after dark, I just feel my way around.”

“Well, that makes sense. I feel kind of dumb now. I could have had a lamp glowing at the very least.” As she spoke, he walked over to where he kept the box of matches and lit the lamp.

“I figured you probably have enough on your mind. I don’t mind either, I like cooking.”

“I suppose you need to.” She stood awkwardly while he moved around the kitchen, familiar and easy.

“Did you have this recipe sitting on top because it’s the one you wanted?”

“I liked it earlier today, and that variation sounded good. I figured I could make it.” She wished she would have tried harder. She could have gone out and gotten a few pieces of wood to start a fire at least. Now she felt worthless as he came in from chopping wood and had to cook his own supper. While she...didn’t do anything.

“Do you want to help?” he asked.

“It would give me something to do and make me feel a little less worthless.” She couldn’t hide her relief.

“I’m not trying to make you feel worthless. I just didn’t want you to feel like you had to come here and do a lot of work.”

“Sometimes we’re happier if we’re busy.”

He nodded, like he knew exactly what she was talking about.

They worked together, her cooking the chicken while he chopped and cooked the onion and gathered the rest of the ingredients.

In no time, they had a nice soup for themselves ready to set on the table. She had set it with the simple bowls and silverware she got from the cupboard, and he had filled up glasses with water from the pump.

“I guess I didn’t thank you for coming to get me,” she said as he set the pot on the table.

“I wish I would have found out what I did today, earlier.”

“How did you find out?” she asked as she sat down in a chair.

He pulled out his chair and sat down as well. “I don’t know if you’ve seen this kid around town. Teenage boy. He used to hang out with Becky.”

“Becky that Luke and Kristin are adopting?”

“Yes. He’s slowly changed, wearing black and that type of thing.”

“I actually did notice that.”

“James is his dad.”

“Oh my goodness.” She was horrified.

Not only did James have a child, but the child was someone she knew around town. That felt more icky than she could imagine.

“I can hardly believe I got taken in by him. I feel so stupid.”

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