Page 18 of There I Find Trust

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“You knew, and you didn’t tell me?” Her words were spit out, like she’d gone from zero to massively angry in just one second.

“I just found out. That’s the reason I’m here. I was going to tell you. I texted you while I was talking to his son.”

“He has a son?”

Out of the corner of his eye, Griff could see the valet walking toward them.

“We need to scoot. I... I was going to take you to my cabin in Raspberry Ridge. It’s rather primitive, but it will be a place to lie low for a day or two until you get yourself pulled together.”

She nodded, her brow still not straightening out, like she still hadn’t quite gotten over the idea that James was married and Griff had known about it.

He was sure she believed him when he said he just found out. She just needed a little bit of time to process. That was most likely a pretty big surprise for her.

“I’m fine with whatever.”

“All right. Let me get on first.” He threw his leg over, after pulling the key out of his pocket.

“Want help?” He looked at her as she stood on the sidewalk, biting her lip.

“I’m gonna put a hand on your shoulder.”


She did, using him to steady herself, and he liked that. Liked that she trusted him to be solid under her and give her the balance she needed. He wanted to be there for her every day. In every way.

One thing at a time. He just had to take it one thing at a time.

Chapter 7

Chi shivered on the back of Griff’s bike.

He’d stopped about an hour out of Chicago, when the wind had started gusting and the temperature had started dropping, and given her his leather jacket.

He just wore a thin T-shirt now as she pressed against him, loving how he felt warm and substantial under her hands. He was not a thin man. She wouldn’t call him fat, but his chest was thick, his stomach maybe a little pouchy, but in a very good way. At least, she appreciated the fact that he blocked most of the wind, and she could hide behind him, holding on tight, taking his warmth and protection.

She didn’t know how cold it was, but she assumed that it was freezing or below as the first flurries had started to fall.

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