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“Get back here.” I pull Sophie back under me after she tries to roll away. “Where are you going?” I kiss the skin of her neck. My hand runs along her thigh, up under my shirt she has on, along the smooth skin of her stomach, and then up to cup her breast.

When we got home last night, I helped her shower—even though she insisted she was fine—and carried her to bed so I could hold her close. I haven’t let her out of my grip since.

“Oh,” she breaths, and I watch as her head tilts back, giving me better access to her neck.

“Sensitive?” I question, running my thumb across her nipple. Last night, she said that her nipples were extra sensitive when I was washing her in the shower. She nods as I tilt her face towards mine so I can take her mouth in a deep kiss. “What about this one? Sensitive?” I ask, traveling my hand to her other breast, tugging on that nipple.

“Yesss…” she hisses out, pressing herself deeper into my hand. Her hand closest to me travels down my abs and grips my erection, pumping once before her thumb slides over my piercing at the tip. My hips automatically shift, wanting closer to her.

“What about this? Is it sensitive?” I ask, running a finger over her folds before dipping in and then circling a f

inger outside her entrance.

“Oh, please,” she cries, making me smile. Her head turns, her eyes open, and they lock on mine as her fingers dig into my bicep.

“How did I get so fucking lucky?” I lean forward, kissing her mouth before kissing her chin, each nipple, and below her belly button, where I kiss my child.

I look up at her, pulling one of her legs over my shoulder before licking her in one long stroke. She’s gotten sweeter since becoming pregnant. Her taste hits my mouth and I can’t hold back; I take her aggressively, burying my face in her pussy until I can hear her screaming my name.

Chapter 11

“But where are you going? Where in Seattle? Have you ever even been here before?” Sophie asks in rapid-fire succession.

We got to Washington yesterday for her best friend’s wedding. I hate fucking lying to her, but there is no way I’m telling her that I’m going to meet her dad. She doesn’t even know he’s in prison, and the last thing I want right now is her worrying.

“Baby”—I finish tying my boot and grab her hand before sitting back so I can pull her onto my lap—“I go to cities I know nothing about at least once a month. Don’t worry about me. I won’t be gone long.” I run a hand down her back, the other lying over her stomach.

Her eyes go to her lap before meeting mine again. “I hate being away from you.”

“You’re safe here,” I tell her. Since the attack, she hasn’t left my side. I hate having her away from me, but because we’re so far away from Tennessee, I know I can relax a little.

“It’s not me I’m worried about.”

“I’m always safe. Besides, I’m not working. I just need to go out and pick something up.”

“What could you need to pick up in Seattle?” she asks, obviously frustrated.

“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise. Now go back to sleep. You need your rest.”

“I’m not tired,” she huffs.

“I can see the bags under your eyes, Sophie. I know you’re tired.” I run my fingers under her jaw. Yesterday was a long day of traveling, and I pray we won’t have to do it again while she’s pregnant.

“Sheesh, you’re a charmer.” She shakes her head.

“You know you’re beautiful. Now stop being difficult and lay down. I’ll be gone three hours tops.”

“Okay, but you owe me cake—chocolate cake. Wait, no, chocolate cheesecake. No—just chocolate cake.” She bites her lip, and I burst out laughing, pulling her closer to me.

“How ‘bout I get you both? That way you don’t have to choose.”

“I’m going to be as big as a house by the time this is over.” She sighs.

“You will always be beautiful,” I assure her.

“Even if I weigh four hundred pounds?”

“Hell yeah,” I smirk. “Big girls are hot.”

“What?” she asks, searching my face.

“I don’t discriminate, babe.”

“You don’t?” she asks, her eyes narrowing.

This is one thing about Sophie being pregnant—she is moody as fuck. One minute, she’s happy-go-lucky, and the next, you would swear she’s possessed by the devil.

“I didn’t before you. Women of all shapes and sizes are beautiful.”

“I get that.” She nods, looking off in the distance before her eyes come back to me. “I totally feel that way about guys. You know, skinny, muscular, jock, nerd—they all have something I find attractive,” she says, and I growl deep in my throat. I do not ever want her to check men out…ever.

“You better not be checking dudes out,” I tell her, watching her try to hide her smile. “You fucking with me?”

“No. Why would I do that?” she asks innocently, batting her lashes.

“Just for that, when I get back and I’m inside you with you begging me to let you come, it’s not gonna happen.” I watch her breath pause before speeding up. “I should tie you up and torture you.” Her thighs tighten together and she squirms on my lap, rubbing against my dick, which is ready to go. “Seems like you like that idea,” I whisper against her neck before biting down on her earlobe. I slide my hand from her stomach to her thigh. “When I get back here, this is mine.” I run my finger up the center of the panties before pulling her in for a kiss. I end it quickly, knowing how fast things can get out of hand with her. “Be back soon.” I kiss her once more before picking her up off my lap and heading out the door.

“Be careful.”

“Always, baby,” I tell her, shutting the door behind me.

When I finally get to the prison and make it past security, I know I’m going to be late making it back to Sophie. Not only do I have this stop, but I have to pick up her ring from Tiffany’s. Maggie and Devon want me to ask her when they are there to see it. It’s fucked up, but the only time I can do it is at their wedding. They’re leaving town in the morning to head out for their honeymoon.

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