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“I love you, gorgeous, but if your mom doesn’t give me my boy and get the hell out of our house, I’m going to lose my mind,” I growl, standing above Mackenzie in the bathtub. Seeing her naked is making me hard, but I try to ignore that.

Peeking up at me, she squints her eyes. “You want me to go out and tell my mom to hand over her grandson and go home?” she asks, sounding like my request is irrational.

“Yes.” I cross my arms over my chest.

She stands up in the bath, and water skims down her body. God, I thought I couldn’t keep my hands off her before the pregnancy, but since she’s had our son, I have become obsessed—or more obsessed—than ever.

“Do not even think about it.” She holds out her hand, pressing it against my chest when I take a step toward her. “Please hand me a towel.” She wiggles her fingers.

Reluctantly, I hand one over and watch her cover herself up. Without even bothering to dry off, she stomps past me, through the bedroom, and into the living room. She comes to a stop in front of her mom, who is sitting on the couch cooing at seven-month-old Dustin.

“Mom, what did I tell you about giving Dustin to Wesley when he asks for him?” she asks, crossing her arms over her towel-covered chest.

“I was feeding him,” Katie lies, trying to look innocent.

Everyone knows that the woman is a baby hog.

“Well, he’s not eating now. So please hand him over to his father so that he can spend some time with him and I can continue taking my bath.”

“Oh, fine,” she huffs as she stands. Bringing him to me, she mutters “snitch” under her breath. She gives me the evil eye before kissing my son and placing him in my arms.

She heads off to the front door, where she picks up her purse. “I won’t see you guys until next weekend.”

“Bummer . . . ,” I mutter only loud enough for Mackenzie to hear.

She smacks my chest before walking toward her mom.

“Thank you for coming over and watching Dustin for us today.”

“Anytime.” She gives Mackenzie a peck on the cheek and me another glare before she leaves.

I ignore the look—I’m used to them. She and I constantly go round and round about Dustin. On the one hand, I love that she’s always willing to step in when we need her. On the other, when I want my son, I want my son. I probably shouldn’t have bought a house down the block from Mackenzie’s parents. I didn’t think about what it would be like to live so close to her mom.

“Thank you, gorgeous.” I kiss the side of Mackenzie’s head when her mom leaves.

She rolls her eyes, then heads back to the bathroom. I take Dustin into the bedroom. Lying down with him on the bed, I stare into his eyes. They look just like his mom’s. I smile when he does.

“I know you like spending time with your grandma, but she has to learn to share,” I tell him.

He smiles a toothless smile, then babbles something I can’t make out. Probably something about how much he loves his grandma.

“I know, kid,” I agree, bringing him to my chest and holding him there. I close my eyes and listen to my son’s breath even out, then I fall asleep with him.

When Mackenzie gets out of the bath, she wakes up both of us.

“One more,” I say to Mackenzie as she tucks Dustin into his bed, bending over the side to kiss his forehead.

“I don’t know.” She shakes her head, running her finger down our son’s cheek.

She hasn’t gotten on birth control since Dustin was born, and I have been attempting to convince her for weeks that we should have another baby. She wants to wait until after we get married. I told her that it doesn’t matter. We can get married at the courthouse as soon as she wants—the only rule is that her dad gets to be there to give her away.

“Who knows how long it will take to conceive? We got lucky last time, and that is not always the case . . . ,” I remind her as we get into bed. Curling to my side, I wrap my hand around her hip. “I want Dustin to have a sibling to grow up with. I want him to have a best friend.”

“Wesley . . . ,” her husky voice calls.

I dip my chin to find her head tipped back and her sleepy eyes on me. Taking her in, all I can think is how beautiful she is.

“Yeah?” I ask.

She touches my chin as I run my finger across her hairline and tuck her hair behind her ear, watching her pupils dilate as her hips shift against mine. Without answering, she slides her body up and wraps her hand around my jaw.

“Okay,” she whispers.

“Okay, what?”

“Okay, let’s have another baby,” she answers against my lips.

A growl vibrates in my chest, and I lean forward while sliding my fingers through her hair at the side of her head. I pull her mouth closer to mine, and her lips part without command, allowing my tongue to touch hers. The moment her taste hits me, I know I won’t be able to slow down or stop. Like always, my need for her is more than I can control. Pulling her up to straddle my waist, I sit up, then cup her ass and slide inside her. Connecting with her like this centers me. There is nothing better than being inside her. Using my hands on her hips, I control her movements and slow her down. “Like this.” I rock her hips, and her head falls back. Her cascading hair hits the tops of my thighs. Listening to her moan, I slide my hands up her waist and cup her breasts, pulling her nipples. Her body bucks, and her forehead drops to my chest.

“Wesley . . .”

“Give me your mouth,” I growl.

She lifts her head and looks at me through lust-filled eyes. Sitting up, she leans forward and covers my mouth with hers. I lick into her mouth and listen to her whimper as I lift my hips up into hers.

“I’m so close.”

“I know, gorgeous.” I feel her walls clamp down around me; then she moves her hand between our bodies. I know what she’s reaching for. “Lean back. I want to watch you touch yourself.” I help her sit back, then watch as she works her clit while riding me. “Christ, do you know how beautiful you look filled with my cock?” I pull her nipples, and she moans even louder while her pussy convulses, making my balls tighten up and my spine tingle. Knowing I’m getting close, that I’m about to lose it, I sit up and capture one breast. I suck her nipple hard while pulling and tugging the other. “Fuck! Ride me harder,” I growl.

She starts to rock against me with more force than before. I listen to her whimper right before she starts to come, her pussy strangling my cock. Lifting my hips up into hers, I come deep inside her and groan my release around her nipple.

Her body slumps against mine, and I wrap my arms around her and tuck my face into her neck.

“I love you,” she whispers when our breathing has evened out.

I squeeze my eyes closed. I will never get used to hearing those words from her. Never.

Ten months later . . .


Staring up at the ceiling, watching the morning light move across the surface, I smile. Wesley wraps his hand around my waist on one side of me, and Dustin tosses his tiny arm over my neck on the other. Dustin doesn’t normally sleep with us, but I think that he is still so wired after Christmas yesterday that he couldn’t sleep—meaning he woke up and there was nothing we could do to get him back to sleep in his own bed. Eventually we both gave up trying and just let him sleep in here with us. He started out be

tween his dad and me, but at some point he must have moved to my other side. So I’m now sandwiched between my boys. Feeling the need to use the restroom, I carefully scoot out from between them and get off at the end of the bed.

After grabbing Wesley’s flannel robe on the way to the bathroom, I put it on and wrap it around my waist. Stepping over unwrapped toys and stacks of clothes that still need to be put away, I go into the bathroom and bite my lip when I see the pregnancy test I set on the counter last night.

Opening the box, I scan the directions and then take the test. I set it on the counter, wash my hands, and lean back. I inhale sharply when I feel Wesley’s hand slide around my waist and his chin come to rest on my shoulder.

“Morning.” I rest the side of my head against his.

“Morning, gorgeous.” He kisses my neck, and my body relaxes back into his.

This moment is nothing like the last time I was in a bathroom taking a pregnancy test. I have no worries. Not only do Wesley and I have a solid relationship but we got married five months ago—a month after Dustin’s first birthday, which made everything with us complete.

“How long do we have to wait?” his sleepy voice rumbles. I turn my head and meet his gaze.

“About three minutes,” I say, seeing the anxiousness in his gaze. Then again, he’s been anxious every month for the last ten—since we said that we were going to try for another baby.

When the screen finally flashes and the answer we have been waiting for appears, I feel him tense behind me.

“Am I seeing things?”

“No,” I whisper as love and happiness overwhelm me.

“Jesus.” His hand moves to my stomach, and his face moves to the crook of my neck.

Covering his hand with my own, I close my eyes and soak in this feeling.

“Mama. Dada,” Dustin says.

I turn in Wesley’s arms to watch Dustin stumble sleepily into the bathroom, rubbing his eyes.

“Hey, baby.” I smile at my boy, and he comes over to me and his dad, holding out his arms. Reaching down, I pick him up.

Wesley wraps his arms around the two of us.

“I love you two,” he says gruffly.

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