Page 82 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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Iamhappy about that.

“Maddox Harper?”

I startle and look up into a handsome face framed by dark hair. Warm brown eyes are waiting for a response.

“Oh. Yes. That’s me.”

I jump to my feet, smiling like an idiot as I shake Nate Black’s hand. His are huge and mine gets lost inside warm, soft fingers as he scans my face, a smile stretching his lips.

“Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview.” My words spill fast from my mouth as we both sit. I can’t believe I’m about to interview Nate Black.

“It’s a pleasure. I enjoy talking about my work.”

I falter at the sound of his voice as I open my notebook and place my voice recorder between us on the table.

“Well, I love to talk about it too, so that’s great,” I gush awkwardly.

“Great.” Nate smiles, and I pick up my pen and take the cap off for something to do as confusion burrows its way into my stomach.

“Would you mind stating your name and just giving a small introduction about what you do?”

I press record on my device and wait.

Nate introduces himself, saying his age, thirty-one, and where he’s originally from, Kent. And what he does for a living, a narrator or voice actor.

My stomach sinks further with each word, and my cheeks start to ache as I fight to maintain the professional, encouraging smile on my lips.

He sounds nothing like I imagined in real life. The realization is crushing. Like meeting your hero and them kicking a dog in front of you or pushing a kid over, and you realize it was all an illusion and they’re a grade A asshole. Not that Nate is. He’s sweet and charming as he talks. He asks me why I love books, and I tell him about the escape into another world.The magic.He seems genuinely interested, asking me more questions about my job at the magazine.

But every time he speaks, a voice inside my head pokes at my brain and asks,Why isn’t his voice as smooth? Since when did his laugh sound like that?

But it’s obvious. He’s a voice actor. He performs in different voices.

An idea springs into my mind. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before.

“Would you mind saying something in Cameron’s voice? Maybe a line he says to Frederica? For our readers. They would love that.”

Hope blooms in my chest. Nate looks puzzled. We have an online magazine. We have readers, not listeners.

“I can write it into the piece, maybe add a sound clip. They’ll go mad for it.” I nod encouragingly as I make it up on the spot. This is purely for me. So I can listen to it later with Chloe and swoon.

Nate leans over the top of the table, closer to the recorder. His eyes hold mine as he says,“You’re a smart girl, Frederica. You know you’re going to choose me. Not him. We’re two souls made from the same star, alike in every way.”

I swallow, waiting for the butterflies to launch an uprising in my stomach as they did when I first heard that line from book one.

Nate sits back in his chair, his broad chest rising beneath his black sweater as he looks back at me. “That okay?”

“That was incredible.” I beam at him.

My stomach does nothing. The butterflies are on strike, most likely dampened down by nerves. This is Nate Black. The man I’ve held many fantasies about in my head as I’ve listened to his work. It’s bound to be overwhelming. Plus, the flight back from Italy could have messed with my ears.

He smiles, accepting my compliment.

His phone vibrates in his pocket, and he pulls it out, glancing at the screen.

“I’m sorry, it’s the production company. I need to call them.”

We both stand, and he reaches out, curling his warm hand around mine again as his brown eyes penetrate mine.

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