Page 27 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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I throw my coin into the water with a smile, then look at Logan. He’s staring at the silver and gold euro in his hand.

“Don’t tell me the man that has everything can’t think of a single thing to wish for?”

He glances at me before closing his fingers around the coin and bringing it to his lips, squeezing his eyes shut.

“Oh, dear wish granting fairies of the Trevi Fountain, please give the gift of laryngitis for my companion, Maddox Harper.” He peels an eye open and looks at me with the beginning of a smirk. “Let her rest her sweet voice until we return to London.”

“You’re so annoying.”

He winks at me and then whispers something against his fist. Then he flicks the coin. It spins high in the air before splashing into the fountain with perfect precision.

He looks at me with a smug smile. “Are you going to tell me what you wished for?”

“Are you?” I fire back.

He shoves his hands into his suit pants as we walk. “Well, having a big dick was already granted, so…”

“Ugh. Are you ever serious if it isn’t about work?”

“I can be serious.”

“No,” I scoff. “You can’t. Anyway, it doesn’t matter.”

“I wished for a happy future,” Logan says.

“Okay… Not very specific, but better than I expected.”

“You didn’t tell me the fairies needed me to be specific. Can I have another coin? I need to go back and re-phrase it. I want a happy future for my big dick.”

“For God’s sake,” I groan.

“Too much?”


“How much is too much? Like… nine inches too much?” He bumps shoulders with me, and I roll my eyes. “Come on, Mads. I’ll find something that makes you laugh one day.”

“You getting hit by a meteor? Your dick falling off and everyone pointing and laughing as they whip out their magnifying glasses? You growing body hair all over and getting mistaken for a yeti and having to go into hiding high up in the Himalayas so you don’t become a science project? Any will do.” I beam as my step gains a bounce.

His brows rise. “You wouldn’t want me ending up as a lab rat? That’s sweet, Smiles. You do care.”


I slam my mouth shut, speechless.

The walk back improved ten-fold when we stopped talking. Although I had to bite back my surprise when Logan got a cab for us instead of calling his driver. Thinking about it, for a billionaire, he’s as happy wandering around like a tourist and queuing for things, as he is being driven around in a luxury car and having meetings on private yachts.

I let out a sigh as I sink down in the bubbles of the giant marble tub in the guest bathroom. There was a bottle of foaming bath oil on the side and a whole load ran out faster than I could stop it when I ran the bath. The result? Bubbles up around my ears and that slippery, silkiness of oil on skin.

“Mm, bliss.” I wriggle my toes underwater, my calves sliding against one another, slick with oil as I lean my head back against the side.

Nate Black’s voice fills the room. It’s definitely not the same through my phone speaker. His warm tone is still smooth, but something is missing. But I’m so engrossed with the story that I don’t care. I want to finish it so I can start posting teasers for it on my book account.

I stare at the ceiling as all the tension in my body evaporates with the steam from the bath. Nate’s character, Cameron, is arguing with someone about Frederica, the heroine. The two start fighting and Frederica screams repeatedly as she watches the other guy try and kill Cameron.

I slide down, letting the water come up over my head and the bubbles form a cloud over me as I close my eyes. The screaming muffles underwater, and I stay still for a moment, cocooned in an underwater haven of warmth.

Shouting voices. A man’s. Nate?
