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He drops his hand and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a pink card.


It’s a British driving license with the name Logan Rich on it and a picture of him looking a little younger.

“And if you’re thinking of any rich jokes, I’ll be impressed if you have one I haven’t heard before.”

I raise my brows at him.

A smile stretches his lips as he puts the license back in his wallet.

“I’m from the Silver Estate, I promise.” He steps to the side and tips his head toward the lettering on the side of the car.Silver Estate Distilleryis emblazoned on the side in fancy, metallic lettering.

I didn’t notice it before, too busy freezing my tits off and wondering why the hell I agreed to come here.

For Mom, Brett, and Harley,a small voice says in my head. For your family.

“Okay.” I allow him to take my bag.

He grins and then opens the passenger door for me.

“Ladies first.”

My eyes never leave him as he places my bag in the trunk then rounds the car and gets into the driver’s side.

“Bit of advice now that you’re in England”—he glances at me before driving off—“get a brolly.”

“A what?”

“An umbrella. You’re soaking.”

My clothes are sticking cold and soggy, like mud on a shovel. Of course I need abrolly.

“Thanks for the tip. So, what do you do?”

“Apart from abducting lone females from country train stations?” He smirks at the hint of a smile forming on my lips. “I run the estate’s communications team. Manage the PR side of things, the open tours, events held on site, that kind of thing. And you’re here to fill the new accounting role,” he states.

“I am.”

He reminds me of my brother, Brett, able to strike up a conversation with anyone, always upbeat, no matter what shit’s been dealt his way.

“Great. We need all the help we can get. Dax has been back at the helm for over six months now, but we’re still building things back up, you know? Me and Jasmin, we kept things going, but it wasn’t the same without him.”

“Why? Where’s he been?”

“You don’t know?”

“Should I?”

He shrugs his shoulders.

“I guess not. Not if you’re not from around here. Thought you would have googled your new company before coming, though.”

That would have been the logical thing to do. But I was too busy alternating between being mad at my family for sending me away to wondering how much I’ll miss them when I’ve never traveled outside of the States before.

“It wasn’t exactly my choice to come,” I jibe. Way to win points with one of my new superiors, but I don’t care. I didn’t pick this job or this place. And judging by how at ease Logan seems and the way he’s chuckling at my response, he doesn’t care about my lack of business etiquette either.

“Dax implied as much.”

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