Page 153 of Time with Mr. Silver

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You’re a bastard, Dax Silver.

You let me fall in love with you and then you slashed the ties that held me to you. You let the wind carry me away after you used me for what you needed.

Maybe that was his plan all along. Use me to smuggle things. Keep me at a distance. Even though I know from his actions, he didn’t manage it. His feelings were real, I have to believe that. But despite them, he kept saying he was no good for me. He told me that over and over.

I should have listened.

Because we both fell too hard and too deep.

And whatever rises must come down.

But we didn’t just come down.

We crashed.

Chapter 37


“ShesaidBrett’sstilltrying to work his magic on his physical therapist. He’s persistent. Kind of reminds me of Logan and his obsession with that dating app,” Jasmin chirps as she flits around my office, straightening cushions and moving files.

She’s been doing this every day for the past week since Rose left. Coming in and harping on about what the two of them have been texting to one another and talking about on their phone calls.

Each word is like a dagger to my chest. Knowing she’s out there and not where she should be. Where I wish she was.

Next to me. In my arms. In my bed.Buried so deep, just like she is in my heart.

“And then her sister, Harley, she’s in full wedding planning mode. Apparently marrying the Mayor of New York is big news. Rose said Harley has journalists following her about to all the planning appointments asking about colors and seating plans. Rose is maid of honor. She’s going to look amazing. Her dress is silver.”


I curl my hands into fists on the arms of my chair as I stare out of the window and down the driveway to the estate’s main gates.

She isn’t coming through those gates again. Not today. Maybe not ever.

She’ll never forgive me for what I’ve done. I wouldn’t if I was her.

“I told her Julian hasn’t spoken much when he’s been questioned and that he’s been denied bail.” Jasmin sneers his name in disgust as she walks around the front of my chair and positions herself in front of the window, blocking my view. She crosses her arms and arches a brow. “Aren’t you going to ask how she sounded?”

A muscle in my jaw ticks. “How did she sound?”

Jasmin narrows her eyes at me, then lets out a sigh. “As miserable as you. For God’s sake, Dax, what the hell are you doing?”

And there it is. My little sister’s ball-busting fire she’s always had. I may have been her guardian since she was young. But she’s always been the one who has no problem dishing out the tough love.

“What’s needed,” I grunt.

Her eyes widen as she throws her arms wide. “What’s needed for who? I don’t get it. I’ve always known you, Dax. But right now, I can’t even begin to understand what’s going on in your head. Is this because of him?”

She means Julian. And the fact that he’s my father. A fact that I’ve gone over and over in my head, and it still rips at my gut every time like I’m hearing it for the first time again.

His blood. I share his blood.

“Because you know that means nothing. You never cared who your biological dad was before. Don’t start now. You’re nothing like him and you know it. Dad brought us up. Mom and Dad. And they did a great job.”

Jasmin looks at me with glassy eyes. No matter how many years pass, she always gets sad talking about losing them.I know she’s right. But the rage that’s burned through me since Rose told me is still there. It’s lying low in my gut, threatening to erupt spontaneously.

How can I be related to him?
