Page 140 of Time with Mr. Silver

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She’s asking about things those files don’t tell her.

She’s asking about how Mom never told me a lot about my biological dad. Only that he left before she could tell him she was pregnant. Adam was my dad as far as I’m concerned. He raised me. I never felt any different to Jasmin in his eyes. He loved us both the same.

Maybe he wouldn’t have if he’d known whose blood I have running in my veins.

A rapist’s. A criminal’s. A blot on society who shouldn’t be allowed to taint the air with his breath.

Tension claws its way through my body like a disease as I look back at Sophie.

“What do you want to know?”

There’s a knock on the door to my cell. Marcus walks in, carrying a tray of food and drink.

“It doesn’t taste as rank as it looks.”

I snort as I lean forward with my head bowed and my arms resting on my knees.

He walks in and places the tray down on top of the thin, stained mattress and steps back.

I glance at what looks like cottage pie slopped onto a plate.

“What? No steak and peppercorn sauce?”

Marcus snorts, his easy chuckle that follows sounding strange and out of place within the concrete walls. “Nah, no girlfriend. Doesn’t really mix with the job. My mom, though, now she makes a killer chocolate fudge cake.”

“And you?” I lift my eyes to meet his, and he folds his arms over his chest, widening his stance a little.

“James Harris. SOCA officer. Undercover for eighteen months.”

I nod, pursing my lips. He looks more like a James than a Marcus. And minus the long, greasy hair and accent I’d grown accustomed to, he’s like a different guy altogether.

“We were both after him.”

“Yeah.” James nods in agreement. “We were. And now we’ve got him. Even if it did go down a little differently. We both got what we wanted.”

I shake my head with a supressed laugh that holds no humor. “If you say so.”

Julian Young may be unlikely to wriggle his slimy ass out of this one, but there’s still what he did to Rose.

The look of fear in her eyes will haunt me to my last breath. She really thought he was going to do it. She thought that she was going to have to look me in the eye whilst that vile scum forced himself onto her. And after, when he’d had his fun, he’d have shot us both.

“I know what he was going to do,” James says as though he can read my mind.

“Yeah? You didn’t put a fucking bullet in his head though, did you?” I grit out, dragging my hands back through my hair and screwing my eyes shut.

Clear blue eyes. Clear blue eyes that looked into mine as she thought I was about to watch her be…

“I couldn’t. I didn’t know he was armed at that point. Not until you took his gun and threatened to kill him yourself.”

“Maybe I should have.” I open my eyes and meet James’s with a long exhale. “Thanks. For what you did. I might not have made it. He was going to—”

James presses his lips together and nods. He knows as well as I do that Young’s henchman could have easily shot me if James hadn’t acted fast and taken him out first.

Rose would have had my brains splattered all over her face.

I put her in so much danger. All because I was too fucking weak to stay away like I should have.

“Listen, I’m going to have a word. See what I can do. We both know that prick’s where he deserves, and after everything…” James looks at me with something akin to respect in his eyes. “After all you’ve done up until this point, I think it’d be wrong for you to have any further action taken against you. And threatening to kill with a weapon only sticks if someone actually heard you threaten to kill.” The corners of his lips lift into a small smile. “And it was windy last night, my hearing was compromised. All I saw was a guy who’d already been assaulted himself trying to save a woman in danger.”
