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The news was so bittersweet, I almost gagged.

“When did the kidnapping happen?” I choked, the blood draining from my face.

“At noon, Nevada time. Two o’clock in Chicago.”

I glanced at my fitness phone and sweat broke out over my brow. It was almost seven o’clock now, and we still had to drive out to the desert and find the exact location. Would Richard beat us since he already knew where he was going? Would he get to Mylee first?

“We’ll get to her,” Lincoln insisted with even more optimism than last time. “She’s safe. I can feel it in my bones.”

I wished I had the same connection in my bones that Lincoln had to Mylee in his. All I could feel was cold, horrifying dread.

Come on, plane. Move your ass.



Through the obnoxious potato sack on my head, the sweet scent of earth and flowers penetrated lightly.

I swiveled my head toward the scent, trying to take in more, but with the uncomfortable fabric on my face, it was difficult. I struggled to see through the grainy fabric, the outline of a sinewy figure pacing before me suddenly making me very uneasy. My mind flashed back to all those free self-defense courses I’d taken at the YWCA over the years.

Humanize them. Humanize yourself. Most of these attackers try to diminish you. Make them see you.

Those words had amused me then. How did one make someone see someone else who was invisible? But now, my entire survival depended upon it.

“You’re one of them, aren’t you?” he mumbled over and over.

I realized that this wasn’t Richard Crossman at all. This kid, whoever he was, was a different kind of threat to me.

“One of who?” I asked sweetly. “My name is Mylee. What’s yours?”

“You’re one of them aliens. I know all about you. I saw it on the television.”

Where the fuck is Jamie? How did this happen?

I wasn’t hurt. He hadn’t knocked me unconscious or struck me in any way. Aside from being tied to a chair and having my head covered, I wasn’t any worse off.

“I’m not an… alien, my friend. If you take this thing off my head, I can show you my identification.”

“Nuh uh! I’m not falling for that again! I know what happens with your kind and your pills! I seen it!”

Excellent. I’ve become a target for every tin-foil hat wearer in America.

“What’s your name?”

“I ain’t tellin’ you squat! I ain’t gonna deal with you. They’re comin’ for you. He’ll be here soon. I just gotta make sure you don’t get away.”

Gooseflesh exploded all over my body.

“Who’s coming for me?” I whispered, suddenly understanding that perhaps this wasn’t a random event after all.

“The Sergeant. He’ll send you right back to your spaceship, where you belong. You’ll see!”

“What’s this sergeant’s name?” I sighed miserably, already knowing the answer.

“Why, his name is Sergeant Richard Crossman.”

* * *

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