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“I couldn’t tell you, sir. The attire isn’t very businesslike, and we don’t have any tradespeople in the building today.”

David did as he was asked, rewinding the clip.

“Can you zoom in?” I asked.

“I’ll work on it,” David sighed.

“Never mind. Email that to Kai,” I told him. “If anyone can get a face off that, it’s him.”

“Right away, Mr. Webb.”

“He’s probably just some new tech kid who doesn’t know the dress code,” Mylee suggested. “Let’s not make a big deal out of this.”

“Well, you did assault him,” I remarked dryly. “Don’t you want to apologize, at least?”

She balked and nodded, shooting a sidelong look back at the screen.

“Whoever he is, he shouldn’t have been lurking in the garage without a pass at this hour,” I reminded her. “Forget about it now. Let’s get out of here.”

Gratefully, Mylee bid David goodnight and followed me out of the offices, but I couldn’t resist a backward glance at the screen, my well-honed sixth sense telling me that something was very wrong with this guy, whoever he was.

We’ll get to the bottom of it,I vowed, draping my arm protectively around Mylee’s shoulders. Nothing would happen to her on my watch.



Iwas so nervous, I could barely think.

“Are you sure you’re up for this?” Lincoln murmured in my ear.

“You need to stop asking me that,” I begged him, carefully adjusting a vase of flowers in front of me as more guests arrived at the penthouse for the party. “It’s not like we could do anything about it if I changed my mind, anyway. It’s too damn late.”

“Not true,” Paxton countered, overhearing the last of our conversation. “I’ll haul all their asses out of here right now. Just say the word.”

I gave him a weak smile and shook my head. “No. I want to do this. It’s my… christening into this world.”

“You’re going to do great,” Kai reassured me, popping up at the far end of the banquet table. “Thanks for hosting this.”

“Me?” I laughed. “It’s your penthouse.”

“It’syourpenthouse,” Lincoln corrected me. “Your name is on it now, remember?”

I flushed at the reminder. I was still getting used to all of it. I didn’t respond, but I flashed him a quick smile, turning to greet the new flock of incoming guests. The party had been my idea, inviting the upper crust of Silverpiece Chicago to Gable Place Towers, getting a better feel of the who’s who working under us.

But I also had something else in mind, something I didn’t share with the guys, at least not until I could confirm what I had up my sleeve. The people I invited all had a high net worth. Lots of millionaires worked within Silverpiece Corp—especially the former owners of the subsidiary companies that my guys had acquired.

I hurried toward the foyer to greet the incoming guests, and not a minute too soon.

“This is some place, Mylee,” Sarah-Leigh gushed as she walked through the doors. “Do you stay here, too?”

I noted her phone in hand and grimaced slightly, but maintained my smile.

She’s already posting on social media. Great.

“There’s food in the dining room, and the hot tub’s up and bubbling if you’re feeling adventurous,” I told the analyst, avoiding her question. “Did you invite your father like I asked?”

She gawked at me. “Oh… you were serious about that?”

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