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I guffawed. “If you can call them that. Kai is never up here. He spends all of his time in this building tinkering in IT. Honestly, you could take his office if you wanted, and he wouldn’t care.”

“Oh, no! I don’t want his office,” Mylee breathed.

“You have your own. It’s just down the hall, but feel free to use Pax’s or Kai’s any time. Pax is usually on the road dealing with subs.”

“The subsidiary companies,” Mylee remembered.

“Right…” I smiled at her. “He likes to keep his hands in everything, even though we have perfectly capable people for all that.”

“He’s a good boss—you all are.”

I shrugged. “We try to keep our employees and shareholders happy.”

I gestured for her to sit down. “So your job is part of that now, too. You’ll be in charge of overseeing the meetings and functions, but it’s a little more involved than just picking out the right linens.”

Mylee sat and listened. I could see the wheels of her sharp mind turning as I spoke.

“To be honest, I partially created the position for you, but I’m not really sure why we didn’t have it before,” I went on. “It’s part event planning, part… investigative work. It’s more than just taking care of the events.”

“You want me to learn about our investors and employees,” she guessed, and my smile broadened.

“Yes. More than half of any business is anticipating customer needs. To do that, you need to know your employees. Does that make sense?”

“Happy wife, happy life,” Mylee joked.

“You really do know what I’m saying,” I told her admiringly. “I feel like I don’t have to explain myself to you at all.”

“It makes a lot of sense when you break it down,” Mylee agreed. “I can make dossiers and learn about every independent employee and board member. Partners’ birthdays, children’s graduations—”

“Exactly. That doesn’t mean we have to have a party for every occasion, but the more we learn about everyone, the better we can know their needs.”

Mylee sat back and grinned at me. “And I thought all rich guys were assholes.”

“Paxton still is,” I replied amiably, and she laughed.

“He’s all right. All of you are.”

I stood from my leather-backed swivel chair and nodded for her to follow me. “I’ll show you to your office.”

“Yes, Mr. Ray,” she teased, releasing another burst of heat through my groin.

“Watch it, Ms. Lynn,” I warned in a low voice.

“Or what?” she purred back.

I shot her a look over my shoulder. “Or you just might be on the wrong end of a spanking.”



The work was absolutely insane. I thought I was up for the task, but when it was in front of me, I realized just how much I had to do. There were two hundred and ten employees in the Chicago office alone, not including board members and subsidiaries. I was starting from employee files and building a reservoir of information on very little.

And I loved every second of the challenge.

When I’m done with this, I’ll move onto the New York offices and then LA…

The work was genuinely endless, and I would never run out, the dossiers growing bigger by the minute as I did internet searches and dug through old files, keeping me late in the office most nights until Lincoln, Paxton, or Kai came and forced me to come home with them.

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