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“I didn’t know that, Mr. Ray.”

“She is also an employee of Silverpiece,” I went on. “It would be nice if you could muster a smile for her once in a while.”

“Yes, Mr. Ray,” he growled unhappily.

“Lincoln—” Mylee murmured.

“I don’t appreciate you treating any of our guests the way you have Ms. Lynn the past few weeks,” I went on, staring daggers at the doorman.

“I haven’t treated her any way, sir,” Lyndon said stiffly.

“Exactly,” I barked. “You haven’t shown her any care whatsoever. I hope that changes today.”

“Yes, sir.”

Paxton rolled his eyes as we piled into the elevator. “You think that did anything to change the old goat’s mind?” he demanded as the doors closed, but I was sure Lyndon heard the question. “He’s too old-fashioned to understand what’s going on here.”

“Too bad his outdated views don’t sign his paycheck,” I muttered as Mylee sighed.

“Some people are never going to accept our arrangement,” she told me. “You can’t force them.”

“Maybe not,” I agreed. “But I can put them on notice that I see them.”

The elevator doors opened again, and Kai sprinted forward like a kid to unlock the penthouse doors.

“WELCOME HOME, MYLEE!” he yelled, stepping back to show her the banner and spread that we had worked so hard to lay out for her.

Mylee stopped at the threshold, her lips parted in shock.

“You guys…” she breathed, emotion catching her words. “You didn’t have to do all this…”

“We wanted to,” I assured her. “This is your home, Mylee. Here. With us.”



When I was sure Mylee wasn’t in earshot, I headed outside to ensure the security team was in place, my eyes darting around to look for anything out of place.

“Are you sure you’ve got everyone in the right spot?” I asked again, scanning the tablet that the head of the team placed in front of me.

“Yes, Mr. Webb. We’ve doubled down for tonight.”

“Doubled down isn’t good enough,” I growled, remembering what had happened the last time the four of us had gone out together. “I want triple the security for tonight. Leave no entrance unmanned, no person unvetted.”

“Yes, Mr. Webb.”

I turned and headed back into the venue, running directly into Lincoln.

He smirked at me. “I assume you’re double-checking with security again,” he mused.

“You too?” I sighed, wondering if we were being paranoid.

He shrugged. “Considering what happened last time, it’s hard not to be sure.”

“At least we made it here in one piece.”

We both turned toward the open doors of the ballroom, where Kai stood with Mylee in our direct line of sight. Instantly, they pivoted toward us like they could feel us watching and smiled. My chest tightened at the sight of her, the clinging, satiny gown crisscrossed over the front of her perfect figure. The forest green accented her glowing, bronze complexion in the dim light of the room.

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