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“She’s a size four,” Paxton announced to one of the saleswomen. “She needs everything. Bring me what you have.”

I eyed him as he ushered me toward the dressing rooms, Lincoln and Kai a bit behind us. “How did you know my size?” I asked with amused suspicion. “Was that in my background check?”

“Who says I ran a background check on you?” he lied sweetly, and I snickered.

“You’re a terrible liar, Paxton.”

“Really?” he asked, genuinely surprised. “I’ve always gotten by so well.”

“Not with me, you won’t.”

He winked at me, but our conversation was cut short as I was suddenly encompassed in piles of clothing, from pantsuits to blouses, shoes, bags, and dresses.

If I so much as showed a hint of interest in something, it was put into a mounting pile until I finally declared enough.

“That’s good! That’s more than enough for three months!” I begged them, slightly tipsy from the glass of champagne I’d been given while being waited on hand and foot.

“She’s right,” Kai agreed crankily.

“That’s enough in here,” Lincoln agreed. “Onto the next store.”

My voice wasn’t heard as I was whisked from one store to the next, the Escalade loaded until I refused to try on another outfit.

“This is crazy!” I implored them. “I don’t need any more.”

I looked at Kai hopelessly, silently begging him to take a stand on my behalf, and he seemed to read the genuine anguish on my face.

“I’m starving,” he declared. “You guys can keep this up, but I’m going home.”

“Me too!” I agreed.

“Oh, all right,” Lincoln conceded with a laugh. “Are you sure you have enough?”

“I have enough for the rest of my life,” I assured him.

Paxton and Kai headed out toward the street, and I grabbed for Lincoln’s hand quickly, startling him.

“Thank you,” I told him earnestly. “No one’s ever done anything like this for me before.”

He smiled and winked at me. “You should get used to it, Mylee. You’re one of us now.”



“Ireally don’t think this is a good idea,” I muttered for the third time.

“We took a vote, and you lost,” Paxton reminded me in his smug way that made me wish I wasn’t such a pacifist. Sometimes he really got under my skin the way men like him did.

“I’m just saying that maybe Linc should be the one to start this, since it was his idea,” I insisted firmly.

“You’re going to do great, Kai,” Lincoln insisted, clapping me on the back firmly. “And remember, we all agreed to do this. Anyway, you’re up first. It’s on the schedule and has been since Mylee got here. You didn’t make any objections before. Come on, don’t make a big fuss about it. She’s already having a day because of what happened at Teatotler’s. Don’t make it worse.”

I stared at him blankly. “What happened?”

“She gave her notice, and it apparently didn’t go very well,” Paxton explained.

The sound of heels on the stairs turned us around, forcing my pulse into my throat, and kept me from asking any more questions.

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