Page 42 of Chosen Wolf

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“Yeah, not happening,” I say as I throw the knife and hit him between his eyes.

“We gotta keep moving,” Ash says as he steps over the bloodied body. I retrieve my weapon, but not before wiping the blood on his clothes.

We check through the rooms lined up on each side of the wall, but they’re all closed. Those monitors have to lead somewhere, but my biggest fear is that the kids are locked up in an entirely different building.

Benji sets off a bomb in front of the locked doors, and it explodes within seconds, denting the steel. He sets off another one, and this time it breaks the door down. We immediately walk in and discover ten teenagers huddled together. I let out a long sigh in relief. They look to be between the ages of thirteen to eighteen, and the fear in their eyes enrages me. Who would do such a thing to these kids? Oh yeah, sick bastards. I should already know the world is full of them. No matter if you’re supernatural or human, every species has them.

“Come on, you’re okay,” Benji speaks softly, trying not to spook them, but they still look frightened. I would open my mouth and say something, but I usually make people uncomfortable. I wish I knew the right words to help these kids with easing their anxiety.

“You look familiar,” the youngest boy in the group, says quietly, looking at Benji. He looks to be around thirteen. My brother walks up to the scared boy, and he flinches away from my brother. The other kids move toward the boy as if to protect him. I don’t know how they think they can take Benji down, but I like that they stick together. It makes me wish I had someone that stood up for me in my early years. That’s why I value the tight bond my brothers and I have now.

Benji crouches down to the boy’s level and raises his hand, resting it on his shoulder.

“I can assure you, I’ve never been here before, and if I had, I would have rescued you a lot sooner,” my brother answers with deep regret like this is his fault, but none of us could have known. He drops his hand and steps back toward us.

“I’m going to go up and get the guys to come down here and start taking the kids to the vehicles.” Tyler looks over to Benji. “Give me the card.” Benji tosses it to him.

“Be careful,” I tell him. He nods and heads out the way we came in, stepping over the broken pieces of the door and wall. We walk deeper into the facility. There are operating rooms and lots of jars with random shit in them.

“Benji and Kat, stay with the kids.” They’re the only people I trust with the kids. I know if I was in their position, I would be skeptical about new faces offering a way out. I’ve been screwed before, and these kids probably have been too. We can’t blame them for being scared of leaving here with us. I just hope my brother and my mate can help them see their options. “Ash and I will keep opening more doors.” Benji hands me the suitcase. It’s enough for three more doors. I’m counting five in total that might have kids.

Ash and I set three bombs in front of each metal door, and like the first one, the doors crumble. As we peek inside, more kids huddle in a corner, maybe ten per room.

“We need to open two more doors,” Ash says, but we’ve used all the bombs.

“It’s going to take me a while to break into these locks.” I look at the blaring red lights on the alarm system. “And that’s time we don’t have.”

“What do you have in mind?” Ash asks. He already knows I have a plan in my head.

I look around but find nothing that can be useful. “I’ll go check the security guards to see if any of them have keys.”

I sprint down the hallway to where Kat and Benji are. I see our betas starting to take more of the kids. I go down another hallway where we killed those monsters.

I check through the first three guards and come up empty. Two left. I check the one I knifed through the forehead.


This fucker has keys. I just hope they work. I sprint down the hall and take another right. Everyone watches me and sensing my urgency, they move to the side to let me through.

I dangle the keys in front of Ash. “I hope one of these works.” I go to one of the doors and try several keys before finding the one that unlocks the door. These look to be older kids between eighteen and twenty-one. They have the same fear in their eyes, but also a fire the younger kids didn’t have. They look like they are willing to fight if they have to.

“Who the fuck are you?” a girl with short blue hair voices. She’s a shifter, actually— They’re all wolves like us.

“Hey, Ash, have you noticed that it’s only shifters in here—specifically wolves?” I look at each of them as if they hold the answer on why only wolves are being locked up.

“Yeah, I’ve noticed that too,” he answers with a puzzled expression.

“Why are you guys here?” A brave girl begins to speak. I look down at her hands, and she clenches and unclenches her fist.

“How many of you guys are here?” I ask, wanting to make sure we get every single one of them out of here.

“You answer my question first.” The girl folds her hands trying to look tough, but I can smell her fear.

“We were looking for—something, but instead we found you guys.” I decided to give in and give her an answer.

“What were you looking for?” she pries for more.

“I answered your question and now you answer one of mine. Why are you guys locked up, and how did you get here?”
