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“No. Or, I guess if he is, no one knows about it.” I don’t know why I added that bit. Probably a guilty conscience because I’d started to realize just how easy it was to end up in a secret relationship. Especially if you started with a secret crush. I cleared my throat. “So probably no. Noah’s not exactly someone who keeps secrets well.”

“True. Although he did date the prom queen for about two weeks in high school with no one the wiser.”

“Noah? The prom queen?”

How had I never heard this story? I glanced quickly over my shoulder, looking for Megan. She was still with the customer. I should be glad—books needed to be sold so she could keep the store going. But I’d rather she had time to hang out with us. Or, well, me. I returned my attention to Jenna.

“I need to know this story.”

Jenna shook her head. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“No way. You have to spill the tea. Come on.”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine. It’s not that great of a story. She asked him out—I think she’d just broken up with the football player she was dating.”

“Of course she was dating a football player. Was she a cheerleader?”

Jenna chuckled. “You’d think, but no. She played lacrosse. You didn’t want to mess with her. Anyway, she asked him out, he said yes—I think maybe because he was scared to say no, honestly. They went out two or three times over the course of like two weeks, then she dumped him and got back together with the football player.”

“Ouch.” I’d been hoping for a story I could tease Noah with, but that one was maybe a little too harsh. Oh, who was I kidding? I’d be looking for a way to mention it. But I’d stop if he asked me to. Probably.

“He didn’t seem too broken up about it when it all came out. I guess she’d told him he couldn’t say anything to anyone, but she told a few key people so it got back to her ex. Really, she was using him to make a point.” Jenna shrugged. “Noah never dated well in high school.”

“I’m a little surprised he dated at all. He never talks about it.”

“Not surprising. He was awkward.” Jenna shoved the last bit of cone and ice cream into her mouth. It was a big bite, so she held up a finger while she chewed, covering her mouth with her other hand. Finally, she swallowed. “Don’t tell him I said that.”

I mimed zipping my lips. I wasn’t going to tease Noah about being awkward in high school. We’d all been awkward at some point. But the prom queen thing? That was going to have to be mentioned.

“Hey. Sorry.” Megan flopped onto the sofa beside Jenna. “I love customers, but that woman needed more help than seems reasonable when she was just trying to pick up a copy of her book club’s latest selection. It wasn’t as if there was a choice involved. What brings you two out tonight?”

“Oh. No. It’s not like that.” Jenna held up a hand and shook her head vigorously.

“Wow. Thanks.” I chuckled as I clasped a hand over my heart.

Jenna’s face blazed red. “Sorry. I didn’t—I just—you know what? I should go.”

“Don’t be silly.” Megan grabbed Jenna’s arm and tugged her back down. “I didn’t mean it like that, either. Either way, it’s nice to have company.”

“That’s why I came.” Jenna lifted a shoulder. “I’m still a little worried about that Reuben guy.”

Megan’s gaze darted over to me.

I lifted my eyebrows.

Her lips thinned. “I’m fine. He’s not a threat. But I appreciate your concern.”

“I got ice cream out of it, so I’m not complaining. And now that your customer is gone, I might pick your brain for another good steampunk series. Your last recommendation was fantastic, but I finished them. Why do some authors stop at three?” Jenna drummed fingers on her knee. “Don’t they know readers want more?”

“Some do.” Megan looked out over the bookshelves. “I have an idea, but I’ll have to order them. You trust me?”

“Yeah. Absolutely.” Jenna started to reach into her pocket.

“Stop. You can pay when they come. Give me a week, okay?”

“Okay. Thanks.”

Megan grinned. “Not only is it my job, but I enjoy it. So you were out for ice cream and worrying unnecessarily. What about you, Cody?”

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