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“Think on it. I’ll be back in a jiff.” I darted into the office to grab my wallet and keys. When I came out into the main bookstore, Whitney had curled into a corner of the couch. I snagged my cell phone from the register area on my way out, pausing to lock the door behind me. For all that she was willing, Whitney was in no shape to man the bookstore. It wasn’t as if I tended to get a bunch—well, any—of customers on Mondays. But I didn’t want to risk it.

As I strode toward the café, I called Scott.

“Hey. Did Whit come to the bookstore?” Worry frayed the edges of his words.

“Yeah. She’s curled up on the couch. I’m running down for some coffee. I might go ahead and close and just hang out until she’s done.”

“You’re the best, Megan. Thanks.”

My heart broke for Scott. He sounded so unsure. And sad.

“You know I love both of you. All three, actually. Is Beckett still napping?”

His chuckle was strained. “Yeah. Hopefully, he’ll wake up in a better mood than when he went down.”

“He probably senses the tension and hurt.”

“You think? We’ve been so careful not to let him hear us talking about it.”

I tugged open the café door. “Kids are smart. They pick up on more than we realize. Hang on a sec.”

I put my phone down by my side and approached the counter to order. Whitney’s suggestion of iced worked for me—especially after that short walk through heat and humidity that belonged in July, not September. I paid and returned to the call as I slid down to the order pickup area.

“Sorry about that.”

“It’s fine. I appreciate you letting her crash at the store. This spring, it wasn’t as hard. This time…”

I cleared my throat. “What if you went away for a bit, the three of you?”


At least he hadn’t jumped straight to a no. “I know you’ve got consulting and stuff, but can you do it anywhere? I feel like Whit might enjoy seeing her folks. And yours. And it’d be extra help with Beckett while she recovers.”

“That’s…not a bad idea. I’ll reach out and see if they’re up for it. And if not, maybe we’ll just go to the beach ourselves. I’ve been looking at vacation properties in the Caymans. We could go down and see them in person. Maybe even stay in them.”

The barista called my name and waved as he put the coffees on the pickup counter. I slid my phone away from my mouth so I could say thanks as I picked them up, then headed toward the door.

“You could always see if the grandparents wanted to come along—make it the best of all worlds.”

Scott’s laugh was brighter than he’d been the whole call. “I’ll see what they think. Thanks, Megan.”

“Don’t make firm plans until you talk to Whitney though, okay?” I chewed my lower lip as I walked back to the bookstore. The last thing I wanted to do was railroad her into a trip she didn’t actually want.

“No. Of course not. I do know a tiny bit about being in a relationship.”

I snickered. “Just double-checking. I’m gonna go. I’m letting Whit stay as long as she wants.”

“Appreciate it. We’re fine here. If she asks, remind her of that, okay?”

The concern in his voice made me smile. Scott was a good guy. Of all my brother’s friends, he was the one I would’ve chosen to be an insta-dad. He was pretty good at rolling with the punches.

“Will do. Later.”

I ended the call and put my phone in my pocket so I could unlock the bookstore door. I was grateful the café had put the coffees in a drink carrier so I could hold them with one hand. I guess being rude and continuing a phone call while I was in there had paid off. Since I didn’t make a habit of it, I didn’t figure they’d hold it against me.

When I was inside, I headed to the sitting area. I opened my mouth to speak and then realized she was asleep. I set the coffees on the floor and went through the store to the back room. I kept a lap blanket at my desk for the days when the AC got overzealous while I was doing paperwork. I grabbed it and took it back to where Whitney was curled up. As carefully as I could, I draped it over her, then I bent down to wiggle my coffee out of the tray, and headed back to the register.

I was caught up on my paperwork. This morning, I’d even managed to get a little ahead on the ordering that I needed to do—thus why I had been dusting the bookshelves when Whitney came by. I hadn’t finished that task yet, but it could wait until I drank my coffee. Or longer.

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