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“I guess it depends on the industry. If you’re a teacher, pretty much any media coverage that doesn’t involve a one-time mention of having won a grant or some other award is definitely negative.” I looked at my cards and focused on not frowning. “It’s fine. Really. I’ll just be full time at the learning center. It’s not as if there won’t be plenty to do there, and since I own it, no one can fire me because of some media coverage.”

I wasn’t wrong. There would be plenty to do. Just because I’d intended to hire a center director to handle it didn’t mean I couldn’t do it instead. Maybe I’d find I enjoyed it.

If I was lucky, I’d have the opportunity to help out with math tutoring. Then, at least, I wouldn’t be completely out of the teaching arena. I’d still be helping kids see the beauty in math. Or at least pass their classes.

“You all right?” Cody’s voice was quiet, surfing under the chatter of the other guys.

“Yeah. Just thinking. My principal suggested that I might want to go ahead and let a long-term sub take over for the remainder of the year.”

“She what? That’s not right, man.” Cody scowled. “I don’t think it’s right that she can fire you in the first place over this.”

“She didn’t fire me.” I was going to adamantly correct anyone who said otherwise on that score. Because just no. “She just didn’t renew my contract. And yeah, maybe that’s splitting hairs, but not to me.”

“Sorry. You’re right. What are you going to do?”

I shrugged. “Not sure yet. But maybe she’s got a point. The kids are distracted. The parents are frustrated. I was really hoping the circus would die down some by now, but it hasn’t. And Kayla pointed out it would give me more time to focus on the learning center. So there’s that.”

“More time for wedding planning, too.” Cody grinned. “Maybe, since Kayla will still be teaching, you could just take that whole task on.”

“Har har.” I rolled my eyes and tossed chips into the pile as the betting came around the table.

“You never did mention your date.” When I frowned at him across the table, Scott added, “Wedding date?”

“Oh. Come on, we’ve been engaged three days. Can’t we have a few minutes to let it settle and, I don’t know, bask?” I would put Kayla on the plane to…well…not Vegas, but somewhere and elope in a heartbeat if she was up for that. But she wanted a church wedding, and I could get behind that, too. “Probably in the winter? I don’t know how long it takes to coordinate a typical wedding.”

“Don’t look at me.” Scott grinned and flipped over another card in the middle of the table. “How Whitney pulled off our wedding as quickly as she did still amazes me. Of course, Whitney amazes me, so I shouldn’t be surprised.”

All the guys groaned and various mutters about newlyweds whispered in the air. I might normally have participated in ribbing Scott, but since I was looking to join the ranks of the married guys sooner rather than later, I’d sit this one out.

Conversation shifted to other topics as we played another three hands of poker. Then, before it got too late, we were all wrapping up and heading for our cars.

I checked the time on my phone. The bookstore had closed thirty minutes ago. There was very little point in stopping by to see if Kayla was still there. She’d said she was ready for an early night tonight—she probably hadn’t even stayed until closing.

Had Jenna swung by again?

I’d meant to give Noah a jab or two about her, just to see what there was to see. Which might be nothing. He certainly acted like it wasn’t anything. But that was why I was suspicious. And I didn’t feel like it was something I could bring up with Jenna herself. She worked for me—not even as an employee, just someone I hired to do a job. It would be extremely unprofessional for me to ask.

I should see if Kayla could find out.

I got into my car and sat behind the wheel a moment before going ahead and texting Kayla about the idea. Then I started the car.

My phone rang and I grinned at Kayla’s face on the screen. I connected the call through the Bluetooth.

“Hi. I wasn’t sure if you’d still be up.”

She laughed. “I’m up. I just didn’t want to be out late. I doubt very much I’ll get to bed before eleven, though.”

I debated asking about coming over. But she was allowed to have some quiet time at home on her own. She used that to recharge. We both did. It was important to remember and respect that going forward. “So? What do you think? Can you nudge information out of Jenna and see what the deal is with her and Noah?”

“You should talk to Megan. Your sister’s already hot on that trail. But if tonight was any indication, there’s nothing there and never has been. They went to prom together, but I get the feeling that was more of a mutual backup plan than anything else.”

I nodded. “That sounds like something Noah would do. He has backup plans for everything, seems like.”

“Is he still going on about six months’ worth of non-perishable food as a minimum?”

I laughed. “I think he’s starting to push for a year, given the state of things. But yeah, he’s a planner, for sure.”

“I think the term is ‘prepper.’”

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