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“Wait. Why do you know about guys on dating apps?” This was new. And news. Megan had always been very anti-dating app.

“It was a dare. One of the other social workers said I was only burned out because I didn’t have a social life. She made me install it.”

“Interesting. And?”

“I’ve chatted with a few guys.” Embarrassment coated Megan’s words. “But no actual dates yet. Possibly ever.”


Megan groaned. “Because I don’t know why they’re chatting with me. If they’re looking to hook up, they’ve got the wrong girl. And it’s hard to imagine that there are people looking for a serious relationship on a dating app.”

“Hey. That’s a little harsh. There are a lot of couples who meet on an app and end up happily married for the rest of their lives.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “Maybe I should give it a try. We could compare notes.”

“No way. Right now, I’m pretty confident that I measure up all right with the other women around here who are using the app. If you sign up? I’m loser leftovers all over again.”

I frowned. “Back up. First off, you’re not a loser or leftovers. You’re an amazing catch and if the guys you meet don’t recognize it, that’s their problem, not yours.”

Megan scoffed. “It is mine, though. Because it still leaves me without a boyfriend.”

“Secondly,” I went on, raising my voice a little louder because I wasn’t about to let my best girlfriend have this level of pity party. “Any guy that looked past you to try to get to me? I’d kick him to the curb. Zero interest. Because he has no taste in women if he’s not interested in you. And if I ever made you feel otherwise, I apologize.”

“No. It’s not you. I’m just…you know what? I don’t know what I am.”

“Please tell me you’re not jealous of my date with Luke. Cause I can mention that you’re interested and step out if that’s what you need me to do.”

“Bleh. No. Luke isn’t for me. I also don’t think he’s for you, but that’s because I want you to be my actual sister and marry my boneheaded brother.”

I laughed. Her words warmed me. It was good to be loved. “We don’t need marriage to be actual sisters. I already think of you that way. Okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

Megan’s response made me grin. “Three days, huh?”


I usually tried to get to church on Wednesdays to help with the youth group. I’d make a point of it, this week. Maybe if I appeared in front of him, Luke would realize it was time to plan a second date. If he didn’t call between now and then. “Are we done talking about my date now?”

“I guess.”

“Great. Then I can start grilling you about why you haven’t followed through on turning in your notice and going full time at the bookstore like you’ve been planning since before Christmas.”

“Maybe I’m not done talking about your date, after all. What did you order?”

“Nope. You said we were done. Come on, Megan. You’re miserable. You know how to not be miserable. Why aren’t you jumping in with both feet? Or is it thatyou’rea chicken?”

“I hate you.”

I laughed. “No you don’t. You love me. And I love you. I’m also worried that you somehow think a dating app is going to make up for the emotional trauma you’re subjecting yourself to daily.”

“That seems extreme. It’s not emotional trauma. It’s just hard. And fulfilling.”

Ah. I winced as Charles jumped up and slunk onto my lap, where he immediately began to knead my belly with the tips of his claws. I rubbed his back and nudged him. He stopped. “You’re worried the bookstore won’t be as fulfilling.”

“Maybe. What if it turns out to be just as draining? And instead of being the bright spot I look forward to every week, the bookstore becomes this drudgery that I dread every night before bed? Then what do I do?”

“You’re praying about it, right?”

Megan sighed. “Right.”

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