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“I don’t need conditions.”

“Then tell me what you need.”

“Distract me,” she demanded. “I need something. Anything. I need—”

Hands fisted over his shirt when her panic returned. A mouth pressed against his then moved insistently, and it took him a second or two before it registered that she was kissing him. Stunned, Henry could only stand there, frozen, until she tugged him even more insistently. Remembering his promise, he opened his mouth and let out a strangled sound when her tongue glided in to tangle with his.

It was a fast, demanding kiss that spun his mind and took over his protest, but it was also one that sank into him hard until all reasons for its start cruised away. His mind blanked and hunger bloomed, one so stark that it pinched and pressed on his insides. Then she was pushing him back and breaking the kiss before it could fully unfold.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it,” she rasped, her voice tinged with contriteness. But there was also desire, one that glissaded over his bones until he was leaning in.

“Don’t be,” he muttered. “Distract yourself. Use me.”

It came out almost like pleading before he initiated the press of lips. Pearl sank into the kiss, unprepared for it but more than willing, her eagerness a rising force that clamped on them. The hunger returned, and with it was desperation, as her taste seeped in and drove him insane.

Delicious. Fucking delicious.

He didn’t do curses, but he would have cursed a hundred times just to keep tasting her. Instead, he turned his head, angling the kiss deeper and brushing his tongue against hers. Desperation slowed down into an unhurried exploration as her hands roved over his chest, then gripped his hair. A vivid picture of them exploring each other like this on a rainy day in her cottage awakened in his brain and sparked more pictures of other moments—other positions. He groaned. She swallowed the sound with a sigh, sucking on his tongue until it felt like he was losing his last brain cell.

Slow and unhurried kept them going for a while, but it didn’t last long as restlessness flitted over them. An animalistic grunt caught in his throat when her hips ground against his and he realized that her legs were spread, his body was in between them, and his bulging erection was essentially dry-humping her. Pleasure dissolved when his covered cock grazed her panties and felt just how much she ached. Her moan vibrated against his throat before her words cruised out.

“Please. I need…”

Oh, he knew what she needed, even when she couldn’t voice it out. He knew it was a bad idea, too, but that dissolved when his palm brushed against the hardened point pressing insistently against her top. He trapped the crazed growl threatening to come out and plucked her buttons open—just enough to glide a hand in and graze that thing with his thumb. The way it jumped and stiffened further made him imagine it in his mouth…and that was when he knew he had lost whatever internal battle was still inside him.

“Shh. I got you,” he repeated, his other hand already coasting downward. His knuckles nudged her damp panties aside, brushing against her entrance and stilling. “You’re already wet, Pearl.”

A helpless sound came from her, very different from her helplessness earlier. Wanting it to stay that way, it locked his goal into place as he skimmed a finger inside, then another until he was situated deep into her hot, throbbing core. Her tightness had him weakening as it clamped around his fingers, but he anchored himself to that goal, willing it to happen no matter what.

Henry kept kissing her lips, even when he was tempted to suck on her nipple and explore the rest of her. He thrust his fingers in and out, setting a rhythm that made her wriggle against him and tested his resolve now and then. His cock was a raging rock at this point, but her obvious climb into pleasure drew him like no other and kept his resolve in place. Then he found her most sensitive point and focused there, a back-and-forth flick that had her gripping his shoulders.


Her name on his lips felt like a curse and a prayer. He flicked a few more times, then pressed a thumb against her clit.

“Let go,” was all he said, featherlight and barely heard. But she heard it and her body obeyed, catapulting into a violent quake that he felt deep in his soul. A cry tore from her throat, so he quieted it with yet another kiss even while her orgasm blew him apart and built him back up. Henry stayed rigid through it all, needing to feel every second more than anything.

The kiss went on and on, sinking into lazy territory. His fingers retreated from her core and his entire body protested the loss, but he ignored that and waited until she came down from her euphoric high. He would have stepped away, too, but Pearl’s hands were back to clutching his shirt.

“Are you still panicking?” he asked.

“No.” A pause, then, “Was that the purpose of…that?”

No,but something stopped him from voicing it out.



She didn’t sound offended, at least. Longing drummed in his system, wishing he could say more. The discipline drilled into him since childhood clamped his mouth shut and had him forcibly rewiring his brain until he could focus beyond her. When the scent of her orgasm flitted in—and just the general scent of her—Henry had to grasp her hands and firmly take them off him.

Focus, Lyra. Get your mind off her.


“It’s okay. I think the doorway’s open.”

He was right. Moonlight led them back outside, where Pearl let out the most relieved-sounding sigh. He looked around. The figures from earlier were gone, but their voices were seared into his memory, anyway.
