Page 54 of Whispers of Sin

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“Bold move, Sloane. Answer me this—who brought Rachel Lee’s name into the investigation?” Hartley inquired before muttering a few choice words underneath his breath. Brook caught sight of Chief Rogan heading their way. “Chances are that Rogan has heard about an impending arrest. I’ll buy you time to do whatever it is that you need to do.”

Hartley walked away with the intention of cutting off Chief Rogan’s access to Brook. She would have disappeared into the crowd, but Theo was mere feet away with an expression that she knew all too well.

“I might not be in agreement with forcing this investigation into a corner, but your play worked out,” Theo said quietly as he held up a white envelope in his hand. “This was placed on our table.”

Theo stood in front of Brook, blocking the view of anyone who might be watching them. She would have preferred to handle the note with care, but she didn’t have the luxury of using gloves to preserve DNA evidence. They were still waiting to hear back on the first envelope. Besides, chances were the unsub used gloves herself.

Brook’s name had once again been written in cursive on the front of the small envelope. She carefully lifted the flap, separating the small area at the base of the V that had been bonded by glue. She scanned the contents before reading them aloud.

“Why are you doing this? You, of all people, should understand me.”

Brook folded the piece of paper and tucked it back inside the envelope. She then slid the contents in her purse to be analyzed by forensics later. Only after she’d tucked her clutch underneath her arm did Theo step away, giving her a clear view of the large room. The guests were enjoying their evening while the unsub began to unravel, but the threat of an arrest might not be enough.

“Boss? Rachel Lee entered the hospital around ten o’clock in the morning on the day of Bella Kadel’s murder. Lee didn’t exit the main doors until eight o’clock that night.”

Adeline had returned to her table and was currently speaking with someone who Brook didn’t recognize, while Sophia was now standing near Maxwell Vanderbilt and his date. For someone who sounded a bit desperate to try and salvage whatever it was that he had with Lauren Kim, the man didn’t seem too concerned about the issue right now. A couple danced past, momentarily blocking her view from the small group.

With the absences of Lauren Kim and Rachel Lee, Brook still couldn’t officially rule them out. While she didn’t believe they were the guilty party, their lack of attendance didn’t mean a thing when it came to leaving a note on the table. As Theo had already pointed out, anyone could have left the envelope on behalf of the killer without ever knowing the reason behind the favor.

“Looks like the Jamesons have heard the latest update on our investigation,” Theo warned quietly as the couple approached them. Robert’s lips were compressed in irritation while Lorelei came across as hopeful. Brook had prepared herself for the chance that they might overhear the rumor of an arrest, but she would rather have had them wait to approach her at a better time. “How do you want to play this, Brook?”

“We just heard that you’re about to make an arrest,” Robert said as he and his wife came to a stop in front of Brook, preventing her from responding to Theo’s inquiry. “If you know who killed Bella, then make the arrest tonight.”

“You heard correctly, but I’m afraid we’ll need to wait until tomorrow morning,” Brook advised quietly, keeping her tone professional. “Through our investigation, we’ve come across some critical information that has brought us closer to apprehending the suspect. As part of this process, we need to confirm certain details regarding specific individuals.”

“Jordan Miles spoke very highly of you, Ms. Sloane,” Robert said, although there was an underlying hint of intimidation in his tone. “Jordan and I spoke at great length about your successes. He is the sole reason why we hired you and your firm to get results. If you know the man responsible, then I’m urging you to do your job as soon as possible. Lorelei has already been through enough.”

“Robert, stop,” Lorelei urged emotionally. “There’s no need to be like that. The fact that this might be over with tomorrow is more than enough for me. Bella will finally be able to rest in peace, and…”

Lorelei attempted to blink away her tears, but she was unsuccessful.

“I’m sorry,” Lorelei whispered as she took the white handkerchief that her husband offered her. “It’s just that we’ve waited so long for this.”

“I expect you to call us immediately when an arrest has been made, Ms. Sloane.”

Robert led Lorelei away, but it was obvious that she’d been about to apologize for her husband’s behavior once more. He guided her through the crowd to the main lobby, leaving Brook and Theo at the bar to look after them.

“Are we staying or going?” Theo asked as he scanned the crowd. By this time, Maxwell was dancing with his date while Sophia had stayed behind to speak with another woman. Michael Davis was edging his way toward the entrance. As for Adeline Murphy, she’d picked up her purse off the table and appeared ready to call it a night. “We’re going to need to talk about what happens next, because we currently don’t have any plans to make an arrest first thing tomorrow morning.”

Brook would have agreed if she hadn’t caught sight of the man Sophia had been staring at for the past few minutes. Pieces of past conversations with several interested parties of the investigation began to replay over and over in Brook’s mind. Flashes of memories taunted her until she came to the numbing conclusion that the unsub could have gotten away with the murders of Bella Kadel and Piper Zimmer had it not been for Detective Hartley.

“Theo, please stop Adeline Murphy from leaving the country club,” Brook requested hastily as she set her sights on Sophia Delacroix. “We need to ask her some questions that weren’t covered in the initial interview. The unsub’s obsession was never Maxwell Vanderbilt. I think Robert Jameson is the killer’s main focus, just as I believe that Lorelei Jameson murdered her own sister.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

Brooklyn Sloane

December 2023

Friday — 10:49pm

AnupbeatChristmascarolbegan to fill the air as Brook chose to walk across the dance floor to reach her destination. Couples were laughing and twirling, creating a scene of joy and merriment. If she were right about the unsub’s identity, this was one holiday that the residents of Harbor wouldn’t soon forget.

One of their own was a killer.

Brook wasn’t used to anger being in the mix of her emotions related to a case. Maybe Theo had been more on point than she’d been willing to admit earlier today.

Lorelei Jameson had intentionally walked into the offices of S&E Investigations with confidence that she could manipulate the justice system. Brook doubted that had been her original plan, but Robert Jameson’s insistence that she hire an outside firm after the incident with Detective Hartley had forced his wife’s hand. The answers had been there all along.
