Page 17 of Whispers of Sin

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“Was there anything different about her demeanor in the days leading up to her death?”

“That was a long time ago,” Emily replied with a frown.

“A year ago,” Sylvie confirmed as she stood from the table. She indicated that she was going to place another order, and the two of them fell into step toward the checkout counter. “But if Bella was a regular, then it stands to reason you would have noticed something wrong. Given the size of the town, I’m sure you overhear a lot of conversations in here, too. Is there anything you can tell me that might benefit our investigation?”

“Bella was always smiling,” Emily said with a shrug as she walked around the counter. The other barista was busy making what looked to be a hot chocolate. “She was happy with her life. Can I get you another Chai tea?”

Emily’s statement regarding Bella’s life was an odd one. Such a description usually wasn’t given unless one knew the victim personally.

“Yes, please.” Sylvie returned to her table and reached into her purse. She noticed that Theo had finished his conversation and was now headed toward his Jeep. She wasn’t concerned that he wouldn’t wait for her, but she would text him after speaking with Emily to be on the lookout for a pizza place. Sylvie finally made her way back to the counter. “Do you happen to know Michael Davis?”

Emily lowered her gaze to Sylvie’s credit card. The barista took it, rang up Sylvie’s order, and then waited for the receipt to print out before handing back the card.

“Yes, although he only stops into the café a couple of times a week.”

“Is it true that he cheated on Bella?”

“That’s the rumor, but it wouldn’t surprise me.” Emily turned to ask the other barista to make a Chai tea. She then faced Sylvie, but it was clear that she wasn’t comfortable with the topic of discussion. “Michael wasn’t good enough for Bella anyway. I’m glad that she didn’t listen to her sister.”

“What do you mean?” Sylvie asked as she heard the small bell above the door. She glanced to the left to find that several people had entered the coffee shop. She quickly followed up with another question. “Are you talking about Lorelei Jameson?”

“Yes. Like I said, it was a long time ago, but I do recall the two of them getting into an argument a few days before the news broke about Bella’s murder. They were sitting in one of the booths, and Lorelei was saying that Michael wasn’t the only one to blame for the relationship going south. Bella seemed pretty upset. Listen, I hope you find whoever killed her, but I have to get back to work.”

Sylvie smiled her appreciation and stepped to the side so that she wasn’t blocking the counter. She then patiently waited for her second Chai tea. If Michael Davis didn’t show within the next five minutes, she would attempt to locate him at the bank. In her experience, the setting during an interview mattered, and she’d been hoping for a more informal location.

The second barista had set Sylvie’s beverage down on the counter, but there hadn’t been enough time to ask her any questions. She’d gone right back to making the drinks that the larger group had already ordered, but Sylvie would make sure to stop by the café again. Emily might not be the only employee who’d been paying close attention to those working at the art gallery.

Sylvie turned to find that Michael Davis was about to enter the coffee shop. A gust of winter wind followed when he’d opened the door. His cheeks were flushed from the biting cold, and his eyes appeared to be made of glass. He blinked a few times to clear his vision, meeting her gaze.

“Michael Davis?”

“Yeah,” he muttered as he quickly took off his leather glove to shake her hand. “You must be Sylvie Deering. I’m so sorry that I’m late. I had a closing at the bank that ran into some complications.”

“It’s not a problem,” Sylvie said as she motioned to her table. She slipped her wallet back into her purse before the two of them claimed their seats. “Would you like to get a cup of coffee first?”

“No, that’s okay.” Michael removed his other glove, but he made no effort to take off his coat. “I’ve had more than enough today, plus I need to be getting back to my office. If we could make this quick, I would really appreciate it.”

“I’ll do my best,” Sylvie replied without giving away her opinion of him. He was arrogant and thought his time was more important than a murder investigation of someone he supposedly wanted to marry last year. “You and Bella Kadel dated, is that correct?”

“We were seriously involved at one point, yes.”

“Did you get along with her family?”

The question seemed to take Michael by surprise.

“Yes, very much so. Lorelei and Robert have always been good to me.”

“Even after you cheated on Bella with another woman?”

Michael obviously hadn’t expected Sylvie to bring up his infidelity so soon, but he’d been the one to request that this interview be conducted quickly. She caught a mixture of anger and guilt in his gaze.

“Look, I loved Bella. I really did,” Michael insisted as he leaned forward in his seat. It was obvious that he truly believed what he was saying, and it was important to him that Sylvie believe him, too. His reputation meant more to him than Bella’s death. “I made a few mistakes. I’m not denying that, but it had nothing to do with my feelings for Bella.”

“She broke things off with you a few months before her death, correct?” Sylvie asked, deciding to switch gears. If she continued to pick away at his mistakes, he was liable to cut this interview short. “Did she happen to say anything to you about someone following her? Making her uncomfortable?”

“No, not that I can recall,” Michael replied as he relaxed a little now that the spotlight was off him for the time being. His shoulders weren’t as straight, and he was no longer leaning close to the edge of the table. He frowned, as if he’d remembered something important. “Well, Bella did mention that her new neighbor made her uncomfortable.”

