Page 57 of Echoes of Sin

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“I’m looking forward to it, Graham.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

Jacob Walsh

October 2023

Tuesday — 4:03pm

Everyminutethatpassedinside the prison walls seemed longer than the last. Time slowly chipped away at an inmate’s insanity, the isolation mimicking a cancer that ate away one’s body from the inside out. Despair and darkness were the only constants, and even the most hardened criminals were reduced to mere shadows of their former selves.

Jacob slowly smiled as he was escorted past the degenerates of society.

He wasn’t like his current neighbors, and it was only a matter of time before he bid them all goodbye. His first attempt at a breakout had been met with resistance. Though he had planned many escape routes in case of obstacles, it had still come as a shock when his baby sister had finally gotten the upper hand.

It was the first time in their lives that Brook had ever been one step ahead of him, and he could admit that anger had been his first response. Given that he had little else to think about inside his cell, the rage that had consumed him had gradually faded into pride. His sister fought so hard against the belief that they were practically one and the same. He’d feel sorry for her if she hadn’t proven her worth at being such an adversary.

Jacob had warned his sister that he would never allow her to be the normal one, and he would make good on his promise. Such a pledge was the reason that he’d put into place so many arrangements.

One of the two guards came to a stop in front of the infirmary. Within seconds, the sound of the locks disengaging could be heard echoing throughout the hallway. By the time that Jacob and the second guard had reached the threshold, the door was wide open, revealing a male subject wearing a dark grey suit.

“Dr. Mizrahi, I presume?”

The surgeon remained silent, his contempt for Jacob evident in his stare.

Samuel Mizrahi merely nodded toward the exam table. One of the guards led Jacob to the small step stool, though there was no need for such assistance. He was tall enough to sit on the table with ease. Once he was settled, he waited patiently for Mizrahi to address the email that had been sent to his office.

Before Jacob had strolled into FBI headquarters and turned himself in, he’d scheduled certain messages to be sent on specific days in the future. There was another one scheduled to be sent three months from now, all from different accounts, of course. If all went as planned today, he’d be able to cancel the rest of the emails.

“I’m here because of my duty to my patient.”

“It’s good to know that you take your oath seriously, Dr. Mizrahi,” Jacob replied as he shifted his weight to be more comfortable for the conversation ahead. “I’ll be in good hands then.”

“You’re assuming that your offer will be approved.” Dr. Mizrahi stood a good eight feet away from the exam table. “Federal inmates are not usually allowed to be living donors unless it is for an immediate family member, and only then in rare cases.”

“I’m trusting that Senator Cary will see to it that an exception can be made,” Jacob replied before lifting both hands to rest against his chest. The metal links of the cuffs made a bit of noise before being silenced by the fabric of his uniform. “I have many amends to make for my previous…shall we call them misdeeds?”

“The chances of you being a match to Jonah Cary are slim at best.”

“I have no doubt that my lab reports were attached to the email you received, Dr. Mizrahi.” Jacob lowered his forearms and linked his fingers together in confidence. It wasn’t like the senator would turn down such an offer. “I’m sure you’ll run your own tests to confirm, but you wouldn’t be here if you thought you were wasting your time.”

“And how exactly did you know that Senator Cary’s son needed a liver?”

One didn’t just turn themselves over to the federal government without a failsafe. Numerous ones, in fact. What Dr. Mizrahi was looking for were reassurances.

“Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? I have the ability to save a young boy’s life. Run as many tests as you like, Dr. Mizrahi. I have all the time in the world, unlike Jonah Cary.”

“You do understand that should you be a match, should this surgery take place, you will be guarded twenty-four-seven in a private room with no windows, no access to unapproved staff, and no means of escape?”

“You’ve hurt my feelings, Dr. Mizrahi,” Jacob replied with a rueful smile. “I’m merely a man who is looking for redemption.”

Jacob took it upon himself to swing his legs up onto the exam table. He made himself comfortable, a deep satisfaction settling inside of him. He wouldn’t be confined for much longer. He’d spoken the truth about redemption. His salvation laid with finding Sarah Evanston, and he wouldn’t rest until he finished what he’d set out to accomplish.

“Dr. Mizrahi?”

A guard had stepped into the infirmary. He waited by the door for the surgeon to look up from the file in his hand, but Jacob decided to move things along. He’d known that the moment the email was sent, such interest in him would send enough shockwaves that the ripples would reach Brook and her firm.

“I do believe that you have a phone call, Dr. Mizrahi.” Jacob closed his eyes as he leaned his head against the pillow. He couldn’t help but smile once more. “Please say hello to my sister for me.”

~ The End ~
