Page 3 of Dirty Puck

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Tall and rippling with muscle, with the most adorable wavy, mussed brown hair that fell over his deep blue eyes, he knew I’d be interested, with no trace of doubt. And he was right. His smile was wicked, those eyes full of promises I longed to accept.

What Kenny said hit me hard, what does he mean Scott’s not my kind of guy anyway? I was so close to dismissing him, but when Scott got rid of the newly handsy menace, I couldn’t have told him to get lost if I wanted to, but I didn’t want to. His eyes were that commanding. Mesmerizing.

And we’re having such a good time, I’ll almost consider overlooking it even if he is a bad guy.

Panting and sweating from our steamy dancing, he pulls me toward the back garden, telling me we’re going outside.

He’s way more assertive than I usually like, and with anyone else I’d balk. But I like it with Scott. It’s just natural coming from him. I follow him like a bee to a field of flowers and we settle onto a bench surrounded by rosebushes. Pale, twinkling fairy lights are strung in the hedges and the moon is high overhead. A cool breeze gusts down the path, making me shiver.

He rests his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to his body heat. “Spring hasn’t gotten the memo yet,” he tells me.

“It’s definitely warmer right now in Arizona,” I tell him.

“Are you a new transfer?” he asks, rubbing the goosebumps off my bare arm.

I have a sweater in Kenny’s car, but I wouldn’t leave this spot for the world. Maybe it’s not a big deal to some, but Scott’s chivalrous care makes me nearly swoon and I lean into him.

“Just visiting,” I say.

His interested smile gives me shivers of a different kind, my whole body curling into him, and not just for warmth.

“What do you want to do while you’re here?”

Besides the things I have planned with my dad, which probably won’t end up happening, there’s only one thing I’m determined to do. “I’d like to see the ocean. Believe it or not, I never have.”

“We can definitely do that,” he says. “What else?”

“Well, I’m taking the semester off to visit my dad,” I say. “Hopefully, I’ll get to spend time with him.”

He picks up on my less than enthusiastic tone. “Not going great?”

“He’s just so busy, and he’s a liar.” I sigh. “He’s the head coach of the hockey team and that’s his life. Always has been, which is why my mom divorced him and I haven’t seen him in almost ten years, probably why I hate anything to do with hockey.”

“So that’s your beef with hockey players?” he asks.

I grimace. “I saw firsthand how professional athletes are. And I understand that they have to be hyper focused to stay on top. I get how much they love their game. My dad is still the same even after he retired, he says he’ll have time but it’s never true. He just transferred all that focus to his coaching. I don’t want to be second to my partner’s career and a pro athlete will always choose their sport first. Every time.”

He looks down at me, stunned. I guess I went a little hard, but I stand by every word. The fact I’ve been here a week and my dad hasn’t taken the time to have a single meal with me proves my point. I open my mouth to explain in less vehement terms, but the next thing I know, his lips come crashing down to meet mine.

My breath catches as his hands move to my waist, twisting me closer to him. His tongue brushes against my lips and I eagerly part them to let him in. I feel like I’m floating, yet safely tethered in his muscular arms. One hand slides up my side, pausing just beneath my breast, and I moan softly, pushing toward him. Silently begging him to give me more.

As he smooths his palm upward and strokes his thumb over my nipple, he pulls away to look into my eyes. I can barely focus as desire pools between my thighs. He’s unleashed a fire in me that no one ever has, and it won’t easily be put out.

“I’ve been wanting to kiss you since I first saw you,” he says.

“Then keep doing it,” I urge. I lick my lip and he swipes his tongue against mine, wrapping his fingers in my hair as he kisses me again.

“I’m leaving,” Kenny yells from the back door. “Hurry up if you’re coming with me.”

His petulant voice shakes me out of my stupor. It’s more annoying than when he used to tease me for being chunky back in middle school. I don’t want to leave. Scott seems to really get me and acts like he’d do anything for me. Based on the thick bulge in his jeans, he definitely wants me to. It’s an intoxicating mix I need more of, but my dad lives close to campus and we’re about eight miles outside of town.

Unfortunately, unless I want to walk that far in the dark and cold, it looks like I have to leave the bliss of Scott’s arms.

Chapter 3


I can’t let her go. We’ve only been together for two hours and it’s not enough. Every minute that passes, the more I know she’s meant to be mine. And not just for tonight, though that’s a given.

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