Page 11 of Dirty Puck

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I’m more than ready to go home with my new, sort-of, fiancé. Excited to experience everything the future has to offer.

Chapter 10


Everything worked out exactly like I planned. As soon as we settled Harley into my apartment, I went to the rink to face Coach.

Unsurprisingly, the team lost its last two games without me, but I don’t rub it in his face. What I do rub in his face is what an ass he was being to Harley.

“I love her,” I say. “And I respect her a hell of a lot more than you do. She wants a relationship with you, always has. She paused her own schooling just because you asked her to visit. Then you just ignored her, like she was a piece of furniture. And she’s fucking amazing, so you need to be proud someone like her is your daughter and start acting like a father for once.”

He looks shocked, his face turning red as he takes in my words. “How is my relationship with Harley any of your business?”

“Because her happiness is my business,” I tell him, standing up to loom over his desk. “I’m going to marry her and give her everything she has ever wanted. And she wants to spend time with your pathetic ass even though you haven’t given her any reason to in the last ten years. You’re lucky she’s so forgiving I would have written you off long ago.”

He leans back and blinks at me. “Well, I’ll be damned. I thought you came to get back on the team, not to give me a life lesson.”

I wait, staring down at him. Coach has always been tough, but mostly reasonable. It’s disappointing to find out he’s a deadbeat dad, but I believe people can change. If he doesn’t, I’ll be there to help Harley through the disappointment. I can and will be everything she needs. He picks up his phone and sends a text, then shakes his head at me.

“I just asked her to lunch whenever she’s available,” he says. “I’ll be sure to make it this time.”

“Good,” I say, turning to leave.

“Hold up, Delany,” he says, sounding like he’s eating glass. “We still have one more game.”

I turn and shrug. “And?”

“I could use my star center back,” he admits.

Holding back my laughter is one of the hardest things I have ever done. However, I do want to play the sport I love and Harley seems okay with it. “See you at practice,” I say, giving him a nod.


I can’t believe it’s finally graduation day. The last two months have been perfect. Harley and I have had a few petty squabbles because my girl is stubborn as hell, but honestly, I love that she gives as good as she gets. She made it clear in no uncertain terms I better never omit the truth again, and if I slip up, I better confess immediately. I won’t slip up though; I know what I’ve got.

It surprised her when her dad began making time to have lunch with her once or twice a week. She was also shocked that he let me back on the team, but she assured me she wanted nothing more than for me to be who I really am. A hockey player. I told her who I really am is her fiancé. As long as she’s happy, I’m happy. Getting to play again was merely icing on the cake.

My name is called and I march across the stage to a stadium full of applause. I spot Harley’s golden hair and proud smile and only have eyes for her as I take my diploma and hustle off the stage.

There’s only one thing left that will make everything complete—getting her to remove my ring from that necklace and put it on her finger.

She finds me backstage and I sweep her into my arms, pulling her outside. “I’m going to take an offer near your campus,” I say. “So, you can get back to school.”

Her eyes go wide. “Only if it’s the offer you really want. I was already getting my transcripts ready to transfer.”

“Harley, you don’t ever have to give up anything for me,” I say. “You’re first in my life. Always.”

“I’m not giving anything up,” she says. “All I want is to be with you.”

I push aside her long hair and unclasp the necklace, sliding the ring into my palm. “Then put this on your finger and tell me what I want to hear.”

She holds out her hand with a smile and eyes filled with happy tears. “I love you and will definitely marry you,” she says as I slip the ring on her finger.


“Oh, baby, I love you so much,” I say, tugging her hair back to kiss her until she’s boneless against me. “Let’s skip the party and go home. I think we’ll have more fun there, don’t you?”

Her smile makes my heartbeat faster as she pulls me to the car. “Absolutely. What are we waiting for?”

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