Page 1 of Dirty Puck

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Chapter 1


“Just ten minutes,” my teammate Brett says when I refuse to leave the car. “I promised Leila I’d show.”

Groaning, I lay my head back on the seat. It’s been a grueling day at the rink and, even though it’s my birthday, I could have done without the dinner my buddies insisted on taking me to. But dinner is food, and a guy’s gotta eat. However, this party they’ve pulled up to with the red solo cups and pulsing music is a big nope from me.

“Live a little for once,” our goalie says.

“I’ll wait in the car,” I grunt.

I hate parties, hate attention. I get more than I need, both on and off the ice. I keep my head down around campus and rarely go out unless I’m dragged. With only about three months until graduation, there are pro teams lined up to sign me. That’s when my life will really begin as far as I’m concerned. Right now, I eat, breathe, and sleep hockey, with a side of studying. If Brett needs to keep a promise to the economics major he’s been chasing, that’s got nothing to do with me.

He and my other teammates groan, but I just settle in. Leaning against the back of the seat, I slide my finger across my phone screen, content to just hang in the car and scroll.

The crunching of gravel under tires reaches my ear, and I glance out the window.

My eyes are drawn to a car that’s pulled up to the big, off-campus mansion. The front door pops open and golden hair spills down smooth, tanned arms as the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen gets out. Her red dress might have been demure for anyone else, but this girl’s body can’t be — and shouldn’t be—contained. The top is just low-cut enough to reveal the lush curves of tits I need to taste. I’m already thinking about untying the straps behind her neck when she sweeps all that silky hair behind her shoulder. Will her nipples be as pink as her glossy, full lips? The dress swishes down around her knees as she emerges, but not before I glimpse her creamy thighs, which my fingers already itch to sink into.

What’s going on? The last time I tried dating was a disaster. An utter waste.

But the fatigue from practice melts away as I watch her already pretty face transform into a work of art when she smiles. My resentment about being dragged to this party is transferred to the guy she’s smiling at. And multiplied by a thousand. Maybe I can go in for just a bit.

Who the fuck is this guy, taking her elbow and guiding her toward the door? My fists clench. I need to separate her from him. Make her see why she should be with me instead.

Seriously, what the actual fuck is going on?

All I know is I have to meet this girl and get her to smile at me. Suddenly, I need my life to start right now, and I need her to be in it.

“Let’s get in there,” I say, my eyes never leaving her swaying hips as she walks up the porch steps.

I start to get out, but Brett grabs my shoulder. “Whoa, man. Don’t you ever listen to a word Coach says? That’s his daughter you’re staring at like a steak dinner.”

The other guys snicker and I wrench my gaze away long enough to scowl at them. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Brett sighs. “Just yesterday, at practice, he said his daughter was coming for a visit and if any of us clowns go near her, we’ll be benched for the rest of the season.”

I laugh. There is absolutely no way the coach will ever bench me. I’m the top scorer on the team—benching me means we lose. Also, I’m not afraid of Coach. I’m off to the NHL in a few short months, and nothing he says is going to keep me away from this little bombshell. Making her mine. The other guys seem to think Coach was dead serious though, and reiterate the warning as we all head into the party.

Thankfully, it’s not too crowded yet, and seems to be mostly academic types who don’t fawn over athletes. As I look for her, I straighten out my shirt and smooth my hand through my usually unruly hair. Am I feeling apprehensive?

I find her easily, as she moves through the crowd as if she’s got a spotlight on her. She’s sitting on a loveseat, laughing at something the guy she’s with said, but even though I don’t know her, I can tell it’s not real. The grip on her drink is too tight, her brow too tense. It’s clear she’s not having a good time with that asshole. I mean to change that.

“Hey,” I say, stepping in so she has no choice but to look up at me. Her eyes widen and she starts to say something.

“Don’t waste your time. She doesn’t date guys like you,” the guy cuts her off. Her ex, as far as I’m concerned. I’m the only future for her.

Her eyes flash back to him, then return to me, sparkling with an interest that’s undeniable. I give her a look of promise. Anything she wants.

“Looks like your drink is almost empty,” I say.

“She’s fine,” the dickhead answers for her. He gets off his chair and settles onto the loveseat next to her. She can’t hide an eye roll and inches further into the corner, away from him. My blood boils that he’s encroaching on her space.

She looks down at her glass and shakes her head. “It’s just soda. I don’t need another.”

“Do you want another?” I ask.

The dickhead gives me a smug look and puts his arm around her, making her cringe and recoil. Before I can rip it out of its socket, she shrugs it off and moves to the chair that he just vacated.

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