Page 38 of Boyfriend for Hire

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“Now I feel like shit. I should have chosen a different restaurant.”

“No, you’re fine! I just wanted to share that with you. I haven’t told a lot of people about my childhood.”

“Did you ever talk to Royce about your childhood?”

“A little, but… he was kind of like you. His family was well-off, so he couldn’t relate to what I told him. To be honest, I don’t know that he cared very much. Anyway, I told you that because I didn’t want you to think I was being pretentious.”

“I never once thought you were being pretentious.”

Their eyes locked on each other across the table.

“I’m starting to think you’re not such a bad guy, Montez.”

His lips curled up in a smile. “Then my plan is working.”


When they left the restaurant, both Montez and Desiree carried a Styrofoam container with leftovers.

“So, what did you think?” he asked.

“Did you not see me stuffing my face?” she asked.

He couldn’t help but laugh. Over the course of the meal, she made him laugh out loud several times with stories about her job. He considered her sense of humor one of her best attributes.

As they strolled to the Navigator, he realized that he didn’t want their time together to end and racked his brain for a good reason to extend the date.

He popped the locks on the SUV but didn’t open the door. “Are you ready to go home?”

She looked at him with questioning eyes. “Did you have something else in mind?”

“It’s kinda early, so I thought we could go somewhere and talk for a while. There’s a park not far from here, and we could go there.”

She arched an eyebrow, her lips sliding into a curve of amusement. “Do you enjoy spending time with me?”

He chuckled and gazed down at her with narrowed eyes. “You already know the answer to that question. Now I need to hear your answer to mine.”

“Hmm, well, it’s Saturday night. There are a million other things I could be doing—like laundry, washing my hair, binge-watching the next few episodes of my favorite series,but,I guess I’ll set aside my exciting plans and spend more time with you.”


“I’m so happy you decided to spend time with me instead of having the pleasure of doing all that other stuff.”

She shrugged. “I’m willing to make the sacrifice.”

“Get your ass in the car.”

While she laughed, he opened the door and let her in. He then placed their food in the back seat, and soon they were on their way. The park was located in an industrial park around a lake, man-made, but the perfect spot to chill and get to know each other better.

He hadn’t been looking for a girlfriend when they met, but he wanted more from her. More than just hot sex—though he wouldn’t mind that too.

The drive to the property took less than twenty minutes. On site, he took the winding road past the multi-story buildings to the lake surrounded by trees. Once he killed the lights, they climbed out of the vehicle. The property owner had installed lamp posts and stone benches at varying points around the water’s edge, and there was a walking path that encircled the manmade lake where employees went for walks to exercise during the work day.

Desiree surveyed their surroundings. “Is it okay for us to be out here? Even more important, is it safe?”

“Completely safe, and no one’s going to bother us. There’s a security guard who circles the property every thirty minutes or so. There he is now.” Montez pointed at the guard riding along in the golf cart.

The man waved at them, and they waved back.
