Page 36 of Boyfriend for Hire

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He backed away and watched her climb into her SUV. Then he ambled over to his and settled behind the steering wheel.

The whole time he wore a smile on his face.


“Are you sure it’s not too much?” Desiree asked, turning this way and that in the mirror while holding up her phone as she FaceTimed with Nina.

“You look fabulous. His jaw is going to drop when he sees you.”

“I want to look great, but I don’t want to give him the wrong idea.”

“What exactly would be the wrong idea?” Nina asked innocently.

“All right, all right, yes I would love to have sex with him again. But I don’t want it to be obvious. This seems obvious.”

She wore a coral two-piece, sleeveless with a split in the skirt. The entire outfit hugged her curves and displayed a bit of midriff, which she accented with a gold belly chain.

To be honest, she felt proud of herself. Months in the gym and regular crunches had paid off.

“The point is to look fabulous and approachable. You managed to cover both those points, and the way you dress does not mean you don’t control the direction of the date.”

“Is it really a date if that’s against company rules, and I’m doing this because I owe him?” Desiree asked, setting the phone upright on her dresser.

“Yes. Have fun and call me tomorrow with the details. I have a feeling I won’t hear from you tonight.”

“I’m not sure I’m going to sleep with him.”

“I never said you were. Have fun!”

Shaking her head, Desiree hung up the call. She checked her appearance one more time, resting her hands on her hips. Well, if she wanted to change her mind, it was already too late. Montez would be there in less than five minutes, and despite two closets filled with clothes, she didn’t have any idea what else she could wear.

Her phone vibrated on the counter with a text from Montez.

Pulling up to your building now.

Time to go. She slipped on a pair of heels and left the apartment. Exiting the building, her footsteps slowed when she saw his appearance. Very unlike him, he only wore jeans and a pullover shirt with tennis shoes, as if he were on the way to watch basketball at a sports bar with his boys. Her excitement dwindled, but she fixed a smile on her face.


His appreciative gaze swept her from head to toe, warming her skin and making her heart flutter. She really needed to calm down.

“As usual, you look… amazing,” he said.

“Thank you.”Wish I could say the same about you, she thought.

She gave him credit for the gentlemanly behavior of leaving the SUV to meet her. She watched as he opened the door, and with a hand below her elbow, helped her into the vehicle.

“Where are we going?” Desiree asked, crossing one leg over the other.

His eyes darted in her direction and caught the movement. “It’s a new spot named Joe’s Original BBQ. They have tender, delicious briskets, and instead of plain old white bread like other barbecue joints, they make their own buttery biscuits. I can taste them now.”

Desiree couldn’t believe her ears.Did he saybarbecue joint?

She didn’t let on that she was disappointed about wasting this outfit at such a place. No wonder he was dressed so casually. She should’ve found out earlier where they were headed, but she had made an assumption.

When they pulled up to the restaurant, the parking lot was full, and there were wooden picnic tables outside. Inside the brightly lit restaurant, diners chatted and consumed the food with gusto. Montez opened the door for her, and she slipped in ahead of him.

Unable to remain quiet anymore, Desiree said, “I wish you had told me we were coming here. I feel very overdressed.”
