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He tugged her closer. “What kind of answer is ‘mmm’?” He ducked his head and saw she was smiling.

His phone buzzed, and he drew it out to put it on silent, then saw who it was. “Uh, do you mind if I get this? It’s Liam Darcy.”

She straightened. “Then you need to answer.” She gestured for him to hurry up, so he pressed answer.


“Jackson, hey, how are you?”

“Uh, good. Look, sorry to bother you, but—”

“Hey, I just got back into coverage, and found a billion emails, including yours. Yes, I’m definitely interested in your land for expanding the solar farm.”

Jackson closed his eyes. How he hated carving up his great-grandfather’s land. Hated being the one who had failed. “Then I suppose we better talk price.”

“Yeah.” Liam mentioned a sum about a quarter of what Jackson had calculated as the asking price.

He frowned. “Are you serious?”

There was a beat. “We’re talking the ten acres directly adjoining the solar farm, yes?”

“Yeah.” He might not be much of a businessman, but he knew when he was being ripped off.

“Is that too low? We can go higher, if you think. But my business manager thought that was a fairly generous offer for an annual rent.”


“Yes. My understanding was that you Reillys didn’t want to part with Reilly land, so I want to rent it. As part of the agreement, we’d cover all infrastructure and insurance and application fees. I’ll have my lawyer send a copy to you, but if you have concerns then let me know. It’s important to stay on good terms with our neighbors, right?”

He could barely breathe. “Uh, right.”

“So you are okay? You let me know if you ever change your mind and want to sell.”

“Yeah, that’s not today.”

Liam laughed. “We’ll have to get together soon. You’ll need to say hi to my fiancée.”


A friendly squabble came through the phone, then Liam’s voice came again. “Sorry, gotta go. Apparently I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone the good news.”

“Congratulations. Tell Elissa I said hi.”

“Will do. Thanks again. We’ll be in touch soon.”

The call ended, and Jackson rubbed a hand over his eyes. God was so good. So very, very good.

“Are you okay?”

The concern in Lexi’s voice opened his eyes. “That was another answer to prayer.”


He briefly explained about Brutus, which drew her laughter. “Well, good for him. Does this mean he’s safe from being hamburger meat?”

“I’m praying so.” Weight seemed to tumble off his shoulders. “And now with Liam wanting to rent the land—”

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