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Stefan wrapped his arms around me and sprang to his feet with me securely against his chest. He carried me down the hallway into our bedroom, and sat me down on the bed. I scooted over to allow him to stretch his long frame out beside of me. Once he settled, I immediately moved to drape myself over him. My fingers drifted over the soft hair on his chest and the sharp outline of his collarbones.

“Amir is determined to run the Council. He is hell bent on creating a new order.” His face was like stone as he spoke, only his lips moving. “I love my brother, but I do not agree with his principles. There will be no mercy for anyone that is deemed to be a betrayer of our kind. There will be no questions, only death.”

“What does he consider a betrayer of our kind to be?” I asked softly. Honestly, I was afraid to hear the answer.

“If a new vampire exposes our kind to humans, they are considered to have betrayed our kind. Revealing ourselves to humans without the intent of turning them would be another. Amir thinks there should be no judgment or leniency.” Stefan turned on his side and tucked one of his long arms under his head on the pillow. His other hand trailed through my long hair. “Power. It can change a person, either immortal or human. Solveig suffered from the same affliction. Once she had a taste of it, she let it consume her until it drove her mad. She never should have turned Amir. She knew of his abilities and wielded his gift like a tool for her own personal gain. She could move undetected with Amir at her side; no one knew of her true plans. It was not until Amir learned to control his gift that her deeds were discovered. She was shown no mercy in the end and Amir…Amir watched her die with a smile of satisfaction on his lips. Solveig was many things and made many horrible choices. Yet her own child watched with glee as she met her final death.”

His blue eyes traveled over my face as he spoke. His pain was like a dagger in my chest and I selected my words cautiously. “Amir only saw that her death meant his freedom. You were free too. She used you as well, Stefan.”

Stefan nodded. “Yes, we were both released. For the first time in his life, he was free. Yet he hated his immortal cravings and loathed his desires. He had wanted nothing more than to be a man of his God.” He chuckled wryly. “He was a man of God that preyed upon the people he had once wanted to save. He found himself to be the worst kind of hypocrite.”

I thought back to the amber-eyed man that I barely knew. “It must have been torture for him. He either killed or injured those that he’d wanted to save. He must have thought himself to be evil. And what about you, Stefan? How did you feel?”

Those baby blues never left mine. Ancient and steely, they seemed to burrow into my very soul. “I felt nothing. Not happiness or sadness...not even relief. I carried on as I had for centuries and he watched me flourish, vackra. I cared little then. I had lost everything: my family, my life, my heritage… I accepted this immortal life over death. I had no choice. Yet Amir clung to his humanity, fighting his true nature. It is a futile struggle. We are all vampires. We feed off of another to survive. Animals are killed to provide food for humans, plants are grown and then harvested for ones survival. What we are is not much different than humans. We simply watch the world change and adapt to loss.”

There was a bitterness to Stefan’s tone when he spoke. My eyes swept over his face, taking in the tense set of his mouth and clenched jaw as I considered his statement. I’d never thought of comparing human life to that of a vampire. And now I knew better as to his struggle with loss. “You lost me when you died.”

His blond eyebrow rose. “There is that. It saddens me that I do not fully remember. I only have flashes of memories…it has been too many years.”

“I saw us together in a memory with my mother. You begged me to take you before I appeared. It was while you were missing...after the explosion.” I whispered. I leaned closer until our lips barely touched. “I lost you too. A thousand years is a long time, Stefan. I want to remember. I want to remember it all.”

“You will.” His impatient hand wove into my hair and pulled my mouth to his. Our lips met and time stood still. It was as effortless as when I was still human. My fingers tugged at his hair, our hips grinding against each other eagerly. My lips parted against the demanding crush of his mouth, his kiss raw and seductive. Our tongues slipped languidly together as we fell into one another, losing ourselves into our kiss. I savored the taste of him and the feel of his body against my own. The familiar touch of his flesh against my own ignited the sweet pull of desire, leaving me restless and impatient for more.

Stefan raised his mouth from mine, his lips moist and kiss swollen. He pulled back and rested his head on his hand, hovering over me. His fingertips traced along the side of my cheek and down the curve of my jaw as he studied my face carefully. When his blue eyes finally met my gaze, his hand cupped my chin. His gentle touch made my breath catch and my bottom lip caught between my teeth. His thumb tugged at my lower lip, pulling it loose. “I fear things, Josephine. I do not know how it is possible to remember something that has been forgotten. And if I do remember, how do I begin to live with myself knowing I forgot about you…about us? How does one disregard such an important memory?” He sighed and his hand dropped to drift down my neck. “You have given up so much of yourself have given up your life. I do not want you to lose yourself in this mission to remember. What will happen if what we discover is too much for you to bear?”

His words stunned me for a moment. My emotions, already harried, were warring between agreeing with him and pure anger. Did he think I would walk away from discovering something so important to us both, regardless of the outcome?

Pushing away from him, I sat up, letting the sheet drop to my waist. "I won’t lose myself. And Stefan, I’m still the same person and I will be regardless of what we find out. I’ll still be the same woman that melts when I hear your voice say my name; that aches to feel your skin against mine and has loved you for longer than we both know. But if I do lose myself, you'll be right beside me to bring me back. There is no you and me, Stefan. We're one being, one soul...en själ. That much I know."

"En själ." Stefan murmured thoughtfully. He seemed surprised to hear his own language roll from my lips so easily. His cerulean blue eyes became glassy, gleaming in the soft lighting. He blinked twice, but they stayed locked to mine. "One soul. Ett hjärta. One heart."

He placed his hand between my breasts and I intertwined my fingers with his. His pink tongue swiped across his lower lip as he echoed his own words, barely louder than a whisper. "En själ. Ett hjärta. Evinnerligen."

One soul. One heart. Forever. Months ago, I would have been petrified to even think those words, let alone utter and agree with them. But now…now I knew it was true. There was no reason to deny the truth. I was created for him, as he was created for me. You could come up with a million corny ways to describe the bond we share, but we were two halves of one whole, only complete when together.

I fell back into the soft cocoon of blankets, dragging Stefan back with me. I burrowed my head into his chest, inhaling deep, greedy breaths of his heady scent. I’d given up trying to focus on his mind anymore. His mind was like a beehive, humming with thoughts and out of control emotions. We’d both been silent for quite some time, content in each other’s arms. When he finally spoke, his deep, lilting voice startled me.

“From the first moment I saw you, my heart knew you. I do not need a memory to know this much.”

His love and adoration barreled through the bond, encasing me in contentment and happiness. Raising my head from his chest, I moved to cover his body with mine. Despite his hulking size, we aligned perfectly, my soft curves molding against the chiseled, hardened muscles of his body.

“Your love for me never has wavered, Stefan. It took me awhile to get there, but honestly, it’s always been you. And it always will be.”

Without another word, he rolled me to my back and I sank into the soft bedding. He loomed over me, his narrow hips sliding between my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my heels digging into the cheeks of his firm ass.

We both moaned as our kiss reunited us. It was a frenzy of lips, tongues, and gasps as he pinned me to the bed with his weight. He tenderly kissed the corner of my lips. "As you changed, I missed the sound of your voice."

I moaned at the feeling of his mouth and the emotion behind his words, weaving my hands in his hair. He was like the sweetest addiction, impossible to resist and always left me craving more.

His tongue laved at my flesh, capturing my nipple with his lips, and my hips bucked against him. "Patience," he warned, wearing a wicked smile. "I missed the way you feel," he whispered against my breast, running his hands up my sides and down, lightly squeezing my ass roughly. I couldn't stop the groan that slipped from my lips even if I tried.

He pulled back, gripping one of my ankles in his hand. I heard him inhale, skimming his nose from my knee to the innermost part of my thigh. "Ah, I missed the way you smell," he muttered sexily, his warm breath fanning over my skin. "Especially when you are ready for me."

His long fingers slid between my folds, ghosting across my sensitive clit. He smiled cunningly as I cried out wantonly for him, for more. "I think..." he murmured, dragging his tongue at an achingly slow pace through my wetness. "I think that I missed the way you taste the most." He slid a finger into me, sensuously sucking my swollen clit,the tip of his tongue circling it gently.

The sensation of his hot mouth against me caused my back to arch sharply, my hips jerking upwards unforgivingly. Unprepared for my newfound strength, he lost his leverage and his grip on me. Giving him a light shove, he slid to his back and I sat astride him. Staring down at the beautiful man underneath me, I leaned over him, running my tongue over his chest. My blunt teeth nipped at his nipples and over the soft flesh of his ribs. My fingers and mouth moved lower on their exploration until I gripped his cock in one hand and his ass with the other, bringing him closer to me. I laved my tongue around the tip, smiling haughtily as I heard him groan in pleasure. I took as much of him into my mouth as I could and pumped him with my hand. He gasped my name when my tongue twirled around and my teeth lightly grazed against his hard cock.

His hand knotted loosely in my hair and his hips rocked gently as my mouth plunged over his length. "Vackra…I want to taste you." Stefan growled. "Turn around."
