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"Play nice, Mr. Lifsten." I whispered. Ripples of his desire flitted over my skin and sank into me.

"Ah, you should know I never make promises. Inga löften, vackra. All I ask is that you hold on to your energy, draw out the release as long as you can." His lips were so close to mine, I felt each word as he spoke. His fingers moved to unzip my dress, letting the fabric lay at my feet in a pool of white cashmere. "Will you try?"

As he awaited my answer, he moved on to the task of unbuttoning his dress shirt. It fell open, exposing his broad, muscular chest. He smiled his sexy, crooked smile, shrugging his jacket and shirt off over his shoulders and down his arms, throwing them to the side in a heap on the floor.

The heat from the fire raging through my body made me feel as if I were blushing all over. His blue eyes stopped roaming when they locked onto mine. The passion reflected in his swirling sea blue eyes made him look as if he were burning inside. And there it was. It was the look, the smile that Stefan only gave me. It was the feeling I was waiting for. It barreled through the bond and if I was human, I'd never have survived it.

His unbridled lust hit me with a force I'd never felt from him before. His hands were a blur on my waist, moving upward slowly against the soft planes of my stomach. His hungry eyes strolled longingly over my body. As his hands reached my breasts, he ran his thumbs gently back and forth over the lacy fabric, my nipples pebbling under his firm touch. All my muscles seemed to contract within me, sending waves of lightning shooting through my veins, but I held it back as he had requested.

His mouth was on mine, as if he couldn't kiss me deep enough, hard enough or long enough. There was no way I would be able to hold the intense energy inside much longer. When I thought I couldn't take another second, his mouth was gone and I was left gasping for breath.

"Stefan, please! Du spelar inte rättvist." I leaned into him trying to recapture his mouth, but he pulled away, his only response his infuriatingly beautiful smile. He enjoyed my easy transition to pulling his native tongue from his mind and relished my futile attempts to break him.

"Ah, Josephine. I never play fair. You have destroyed me with your love. I shamelessly covet it. One day in the next century you will accept that fact." He smiled again softly as one of his hands released me. I heard the sound of his belt unbuckling, sliding through the fabric and falling to the carpet.


"Close your eyes, vackra. If you open your beautiful eyes I will stop." His voice was pure sex, lilting and husky. "And I do not want to stop."

Reluctantly obeying his request, I was suddenly swept off my feet and on my back of the thick rug in front of the fireplace. Closing my eyes, I heard the unmistakable sounds of rustling fabric. My breath hitched in impatient gasps until I felt his naked legs against my own. His rough fingers grasped my silky panties and with a gentle tug they were ripped, pulled from under me in one swift movement.

Kissing his way up from my stomach to my breasts, I arched my back and wrapped my legs around his. My hands slid smoothly down his velvet skin to rest upon his ass. He teased me unmercifully. He would touch me, pressing his powerful body against mine. He'd come so close and then at the last moment, would retreat. I tried to pull him closer, but he was much stronger in strength and sheer will.

"Stefan," I moaned. I was pleading and desperate. "Please! I can't…"

"I need you as I have never needed you before." His voice was smooth like honey, causing an icy shiver to move down my spine. His mouth feathered kisses over my cheek and down my neck, eagerly kissing and licking his way down my throat until his mouth touched the crook of my neck. I gasped at the sudden icy feeling that swept through me.

"You miss the human part of me don't you?" My voice wavered. I frantically searched his mind for his answer before he spoke. Rage built inside of him, his face contorting in his fury.

His flashing eyes met mine. His powerful fingers gripped my chin, trapping my face so I couldn't look away. "Why would I miss something that made you fragile? I have you for an eternity. Why would I regret having the other part of my soul forever? Foolish woman. You are the love of my life. I merely existed prior to meeting you. When will you understand?"

His angry lips devoured mine, as if his kiss alone could prove the depth of his conviction. His fingers slid into my hair and he wound them into the thick waves. His tongue was relentless as it swirled inside, entangling with mine.

One of his hands traveled the length of my leg, placing it in the crook of his arm. Silently and effortlessly, he slid inside of me. We'd made love more times than I could count, but the sheer size of him never ceased to take my breath away.

"Let your shield go. Now." His mental voice commanded me.

I released the barrier that held the energy back. It blasted him, his arms shaking from the sheer power as it coursed between us. We were wrapped in a bubble of energy, entirely encasing us from the real world. The speed of his thrusts increased, his lust and need overtaking any lucid thought he had left. His blue eyes were now onyx, his handsome face one of an animal intent on claiming his mate.

I was no better. I welcomed each of his thrusts with impatient rolls of my hips, answering them with wild abandon, spurring him on with my loud moans and raking fingernails. The only sounds were the crackle of the fireplace, our wanton cries of pleasure and the sound of our immortal skin meeting in our haste to satisfy our hunger for one another.

I flipped Stefan to his back with the strength of my shield. It wrapped around him like invisible tethers, holding his wrists and ankles immobile. His inky eyes furiously met mine, his teeth snapping at me angrily.

"See, you're not the only one that doesn't play fair. I'm going to fuck you now," I whispered in his ear. My tongue snaked out and traced a path along his ear, down the sharp line of his jaw until finally, I reached his mouth. Ghosting tiny kisses along his tense lips, I felt them relax under my touch until they were soft again and I could see some of the blue eclipsing the black.

It didn't stop his arms and legs from tugging at his invisible bonds. He didn't like to be helpless. It went against his very nature.

He was equally furious and ecstatic that he'd met his match. My mental power was stronger than his physical strength and it equally thrilled and frustrated him.

My index finger traced over his sculpted muscles of his chest, letting the rest of my fingers fan across his skin. Leaning over him, my lips took one of his nipples into my mouth, alternating between kisses and bites. A low growl rumbled in his chest as his head arched against the floor. "You want more? Tell me."

His mental voice boomed in my mind. "I want to feel your pussy. Do not make me beg."

"This is what you want?" I rubbed the wetness of my folds over his cock. I felt it throb and stiffen under the wet heat that coated it.

He didn't answer. He jutted his hips and easily slid inside. Even though I was supposed to be the one in control, my shield slipped and my hold on him slipped.

Moving in a blur, his hands grasped my hips with his punishing strength. He moved me over him in a blinding speed, until my head fell back and the intensity of my release gripped me. I tightened around him, shaking and vibrating with the power of my climax.
