Page 421 of The Luna Duet

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I dropped to one knee.

I groaned as my hip throbbed.

Hands hitched under my arms as I was hauled almost kindly to my feet.

In a haze of pain, I was guided toward the SUV and helped inside.

Jack chased after us. “You can’t take him. I won’t let you—”

“Fuck off!” I snarled, wrapping my arm around my broken ribs, choking on tears I refused to shed. “Go away. I don’t know you. Go harass someone else.”

Don’t let them know I love you.

Please don’t—

Jack tripped. His face flushed white.

The thin-lipped man stepped into him, reading between the curses I threw Jack’s way. “If you know this man, we have questions. Do you know where he’s been staying here? Do you know who’s been employing him? Any help you can provide in these matters—”

“He’s nobody,” I grunted, dripping with agony-induced sweat. “I’ve never seen him before.” Groaning, I snapped, “I need another doctor. Either take me back into the hospital or—”

“We have our own physician. He’ll take care of you and confirm if you’re fit to fly.”

“Fly? He can’t fly anywhere—” Jack moaned, his eyes glittering with sadness. “Look, I’m just a concerned citizen, okay? I’m here to see my, eh, wife, but I can’t stand by and watch you accost an injured man. It’s not right.”

“I suggest you go see your wife, sir, and leave the welfare of this overstayer to us.”


“No buts.” Car doors opened and slammed as the men climbed into the SUV. Two sat beside me, one in the middle and another on his left, leaving me to stare at Jack through the window.

He shook his head.

He raised his hand.

I closed my eyes as I was driven horribly away from him.

Chapter Twenty-Eight





(Love in Swedish: Kärlek)

THE QUIET KNOCK ON THE FRONT DOOR ripped me from the couch where I’d been sitting beside Mum. Hope bloomed. Relief swelled. I practically skipped to the door.

My temper toward Dad faded now he was back.

I’d cursed his name for leaving me behind.

How could he?

How could he be so sneaky to wait until I’d been unable to ignore the urge to pee any longer and then driven off the moment I went to the bathroom? He knew I wanted to be there to pick Aslan up. He knew I needed to be there.
