Page 388 of The Luna Duet

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True panic frosted my blood as the guy flicked me a look of pure fear. He could sense what I could. That Aslan was dangerous. In his current state, I honestly didn’t know what he would do—

“Seni seviyorum,” I whisper-shouted, willing my brain to turn words I’d learned into a sentence that hopefully made sense. “Geçti artik. Bitti. Güvendeyim. Artik bana zarar veremezler.” (It’s okay. It’s over. I’m safe. They can’t hurt me anymore).

Aslan flinched.

His head tipped up; he blinked.

The midnight shadows in his stare faded as he glanced at me and slowly left whatever mayhem he’d existed in.

I held out my hand as the Mazda came flying toward us. “Let’s go home, husband.”

“Husband?” the old guy hissed. “Fucking creep. He has you speaking his language and poisoned you against who you truly belong to.” He spat on the ground. “You’re both as bad as each other.”

I ignored him.

Aslan ignored him.

Our eyes locked, and the frost inside me melted a little. He was still in there. Still the soulmate I knew and loved. The man who wouldn’t hurt anyone instead of the murderer who was far too good at it.

I smiled.

I raised my hand.

Aslan swallowed hard and raised his bloody one.

Everything was better now.

Everything would be okay.

“I love you,” I whispered.

But happened.

Death that’d stalked Aslan since he’d escaped the shipwreck eight years ago chose that exact moment to pounce.

The older guy charged.

With a war cry, he ran straight into Aslan, arms outstretched, palms smacking against Aslan’s chest. He shoved him so fast, so fiercely, Aslan didn’t stand a chance.

He went reeling backward.

His ankle rolled as he tripped off the curb.

His arms went flying.

Screeching tyres split the night sky—

Chapter Twenty-Two





(Love in Hindi: Pyaar)
