Page 379 of The Luna Duet

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Pulling her phone from her small, beaded clutch, she scowled. “I have no idea what’s going on with this driver. It said he was only five minutes away, but now it’s back to nine.”

“Bloody hell.” I looked at the stars. “We could walk home faster.”

“It’s a lovely night.” Neri smiled. “I’d be fine with a walk. Perhaps we can find a shadowy spot and—”

“Stop.” I held up my hand. “Not another word out of you.”

She laughed. “A bit on edge, Aslan?”

“Your fault. Entirely your fault.” I glowered at her tattoo, then my matching one. “Getting inked has made me unbelievably horny.”

“I know the feeling,” she whispered, her fingers stroking the lion on her arm.

My cock lurched.

Fucking hell.

I resumed my pacing, breathing hard.

I reached the end of the curb and spun to pace again. A group of guys appeared around the corner. Four of them, slightly inebriated by the sounds of the overly loud guffaws, and old enough to know better. Two were slightly overweight with a local AFL shirt covering their middle-age spread, while two were younger and obviously went to the gym. Their tight t-shirts revealed thick arms and egos to match.

My instincts prickled; I marched back to Neri.

She fell quiet as the four guys came toward us. She squeezed my hand as I took hers, stepping closer to her until her dress licked around my legs. Her phone screen glowed in the night as she checked where the damn Uber driver was.

According to the red dot, the car was now even farther away.

Fucking stupid app.

The four guys snickered as they came closer. The younger two did a double take as they looked at Neri. My hackles rose as they elbowed each other and leered in a way that made my knuckles beg to pound into their face.

One of the older ones wolf-whistled.

My teeth ground together.

All four of them looked similar with dirty, sandy blond hair, slightly crooked noses, and the typical righteous air of drunken men. “Hey pretty sheila, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”

“You’re a fucking tosser, mate.” One of the fatter guys chuckled. “Sore eyes. What sort of expression is that? She’s a beauty. That’s what she is.”

Neri pasted a thin, polite smile on her mouth, but her eyes turned arctic.

Her fingers clenched in mine.

I stood taller, willing the group to walk on by and leave us the hell alone.

But then, one of the older guys looked at me. His eyes narrowed as if he could see exactly where I’d come from and found my presence utterly contemptable. “ What the fuck are you doing here, fucking foreigner.”

I froze.

Neri stiffened.

“Yeah, you! You don’t belong here.” One of the younger guys studied me closely. “What the fuck are you doing with a girl like her, huh? Fall off the wrong boat, did ya?”

Neri flinched. She swayed forward as if to attack them. I squeezed her hand so hard, I probably hurt her. I shot her a look. A look that screamed not to speak, not to engage.

They were nothing more than drunken idiots looking for a reaction.

They came closer, standing directly in front of us. “Oi, we asked you a question, mate.”
