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Innocuous? Maybe not quite as much as I thought it would be. Because even holding him there branded me in a way I’ll never forget, or even fully understand.

And then I’d gotten up and taken a shower before it was even light outside.There will be no early morning snuggling, Oakley.

I blink rapidly, trying to bring myself back to the present, trying not to get lost in my thoughts of the night before. “I—I have to teach a fitness class.”

“That’s right. The world is still going on even if there’s been a flood here.”

I glance over my mopping job. The floors are not gleaming, but at least they look better than they did. “I’ll pop back in soon, in between training sessions.”

My life used to be so rigid. All I did, all I really cared about, was the health and safety of a bunch of football players. It feels good to be able to work less, to have the freedom to run home during the day.

Look at loosey goosey Oakley!

Um. I should never, ever call myself that. I make a mental note to never say that out loud to Alec.

But internally, I’m loosey goosey Oakley, I tell you. I have no idea what my future holds, what even next week might hold. And sometimes, I’m actually okay with that.

I head down the path to the resort, the mid-morning air thin, even though the sky’s blue is bright. Which means the lake is also a brilliant blue, like Alec’s eyes.

I arrive only a couple of minutes before the attendees, a group of three middle-aged women in town for a ladies’ weekend, descend on me in all their stretched-out Lycra glory.

Later, after their session, I get a text from Lizzy.

Trouble at headquarters, Oakley.

Me:Oh no. What happened?

Lizzy:Someone in purchasing said that HR was requiring the new hires to sign additional paperwork. Something in response to you leaving.

Dread overtakes my middle.

Me:Why would someone in purchasing even know or care why I left?

Lizzy:She said something about Jeff Bordy saying you were making threats against him and his family.

I stare at the phone, accosted with shame and anger.

Me:Seriously? I mean, technically, yeah, I threatened to go to the police. But only after Brandt STOLE my money.

Lizzy:I know. I’m sorry, honey. Just wanted you to know.

A new determination to get my money back, to get justice, overtakes me. I will make this right. Maybe the new breezy me needs to go on the back burner for a while until this is sorted.

I hear a familiar voice at the door to the gym. “Knock, knock!”

It’s Stella, wearing a peach sweatshirt and matching sweatpants. “I signed up online.” She offers an apologetic smile. “Sebastian sent me the link. I hope it’s okay?”

I take in a cleansing breath. I’m going to have to formulate a plan later. I glance down at the schedule on my iPad. “Are you ‘GentlemanSlayer59?’”

She smacks her forehead and giggles, yet not a single silver hair on her head moves. “I tried to change that username on my phone and it wouldn’t let me. Now it’s just the default and well—” She shrugs. “I went through an online dating phase awhile back and didn’t want to use my real name.”

Before I can ask her about how she liked online dating, she gasps. “I heard about the flood! I am so sorry.”

“It was a long night.”

Long not just because of the water, but because I kissed Alec. And slept in the same bed with him.

Nothing happened!

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