Page 63 of Fate of a Faux

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“She no longer remembers she’s Knight's mate,” Sinner offers what I can’t bring myself to say.

Mother looks at me, my mask in place, and then her shoulders fall the slightest bit. “Son…” she whispers, coming over and placing her hand on mine. “That must have been a difficult task.” Her eyes gloss over slightly. “But it goes to show the strength you have. You were meant to be the King of Rathe, my boy, and what a King you will make.” Her palm comes up, resting on my cheek.

I don’t say a word but jerk my chin in acknowledgment, and a soft smile curves her lips.

It’s gone the moment the door across the room is thrown open, Silver and his father, my father's number one guard, and closest friend, enter.

Both pause, bowing their heads and waiting to be addressed.

“Speak,” my mother demands.

Vicente looks at her and then the four of us. “There is a lead on King Arturo’s murderer. We must go now if we wish to capture the shifter before he flees.”

The four of us fly from our chairs, but Mother throws her hand out to block us. “I will not send my sons into danger.”

“Psshhh...” I mutter beneath my breath. Since when?

“Please, Mother.” Sinner rolls his eyes, stepping beyond her and we follow.

Vicente throws up a portal and steps back, my brothers already climbing through, but I look to Mother.

She presses a hand to her chest. “Be safe, son. I’ll have the one-on-ones moved to another time.”

I stare into her eyes a long moment and when her lips curve the smallest bit, I nod. “Yes, Mother.”

I step right through, Vicente at my back.

I don’t know what we’re headed into, I don’t know who the fuck this shifter is, but it doesn’t matter.

For Vicente to lead us here, he must know something, and if there’s one thing my brothers and I are good at, it’s getting what we want from a person.

Even if we have to tear it from them one drop of blood at a time.

My memory flashes to the night I had bit into London’s thigh hard enough to draw blood, and it makes my own pump harder in my veins.

Yeah, thank fuck those one-on-ones were cancelled or I might have done something real fucking stupid… like bend her over the table and fuck her until she bled.

Sighing, I push to the front of the group, throwing the broken wooden door open at the end of the hall.

Wide, yellow eyes meet mine on the other side, and then the fucker does something I hoped he would.

He runs.

The four of us chuckle as I peel my suit jacket from my body, tossing it to the side.

“Ready or not, motherfucker…” and then all at once, we split in every direction. I take off in a heavy run, everything around me turning black except for the pounding shadow of a human form flashing red. Picking up my pace, I tear open the buttons of my shirt, my hands coming into view for a second. My skin grey and sleek, my nails pointed sharp and black. I feel the hunger of death rush through my veins the faster I pump my legs. I need to feel him. To feel his blood wash over me the same way I’m sure my father’s did him.

My evil doesn’t just hover above the surface, he rears his ugly head in full view and when my teeth sharpen, I know I’m in form.

The red figure gets closer and closer, and as soon as he crashes into my chest, my evil is away and my human form hands are around his neck and all-night vision gone.

His yellow eyes stare back at me with panic, his lips puckered with fear. “I don’t know what you’ve heard!” Tilting my head, I move his long hair from his ear and bite at him.

“A fucking fox...”

“Figures...” Sin grabs him by the ear and throws him against the wall behind us. People are walking up and down the alley, but none of them take notice of us. Running with the air of protection, it wasn’t going to happen fast.

I swipe his blood off my mouth. “Get up.”
