Page 122 of Fate of a Faux

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“I’m gonna fuck that hot shifter from your courtship tonight.” Sinner grins wickedly, liquor spilling over the edge of his glass. “The Stygian one who came after Little L killed the vamp?” He groans as if picturing it. “I’m gonna yank that long ass hair of hers so fucking hard.”

Knight laughs, taking two of the shot glasses of the glowing purple mixture from the long floating tray that followed Legend and passes one to me. “Tell me if she screams my name instead of yours,” he teases, ducking when I send a shard of ice at his head.

Legend smirks, but as he looks past me, then back to the last shot on the floating tray, a frown builds across his brow.“Where’s crazy girl? Tell her ass to come get her drink before I down it myself.”

I glare at the reminder of Haide’s absence, taking it and knocking it back a split second after I finish my own, slamming it back down.

Knight laughs lightly, and Legend looks from me to him.

“What?” he asks.

Knight wraps his arms around me, tugging me close and bending to kiss the top of my head. “She lost her little friend and she’s pissy about it.”

Legend’s hand freezes at his lips, and slowly, he lowers the glass. “Explain,” he spits.

My eyes snap to his, narrowing but his are pointed at his brother.

“The girl took off,” he tells him with a shrug.

“Took off ... where?” Legend’s tone is low and lethal.

A monstrous rumble.


“Home, I guess—” Knight cuts off when Legend jolts forward.

“Bro, what the fuck?” Sinner snaps.

We all spin, rushing toward the edge of the building...that Legend just threw himself off of. Two whole seconds go by, and then my favorite pair of wings flap from below, Ben coming up through the clouds … Legend sitting perched on his back.

“Hey!” I scream. “That’smybest friend!”

My protest goes on deaf ears, the duo already long gone before the final words leave my lips.

“Man, he is fucking fast,” Creed grumbles, spinning when his name is called and dragging Sinner with him.

Knight spins me, yanking me close. He dips and I jump, wrapping my legs around him and smiling when he moves to the edge of the building, freefalling backward onto a large cloud and lifting us higher into the skies, those blue eyes of his darkening by the second. His demon wants out to play, and lucky for him, mine does too.

His rough palm presses against my cheek, sliding along my skin until it’s digging deep into my hair."I would die a thousand deaths for you, my Queen.”

“Good,” I whisper pressing my lips to his. “Because I have a feeling I’m going to kill you quite often.”

He chuckles at that, then punishes me for my words with a harsh tug to my hair.

I gasp into the air and he takes my mouth with his, biting down on my lower lip. “I need you to do two things for me, baby. Agree to these two things and I’ll never ask more of you.”


“Never stop fighting me.”

“You know I won't.”

The blue of his eyes whirl at the edge of his irises, holding on, fighting for a few more moments before our demons demand to lead the way they’ve come to do when we’re skin to skin.

“What’s the second thing?” I ask softly, having an idea what he’s about to say.

Knight glides his lips across mine, closing his eyes as his sharp claws bite into my ass. "You already know,” he warns. “Say it, London. Say it now.”
