Page 101 of Fate of a Faux

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“You guys can fuck all you want later. For now, we need to handle this.” Creed’s voice dissipates in the air like ice does against humidity. “Knight!”

London flashes me a wide smile, one that shows her white teeth. “Later, lover...”

“There will be Argents prepared to fight for the council,” he speaks what we have all likely come to realize.

There is just no way the council could get away with this shit without some sort of army at their disposal. The fox'shead games and the scream we heard with his obvious involvement in the King’s murder is proof enough of that. The question is... which woman was brave enough to kill our King?

I have a fucking feeling I knowexactlywho it was.

Anger tears through me and a growl leaves my mouth as I release London from her hold, turning back to Creed. “We kill them all.”

Creed nods in approval, waving his hand up to pull up a portal. Vines grow from the ground as roses and thorns wrap around the ancient frame.

“Remove your masks. We cannot hide from our people. The Stygian need to know we live and rise against this.” Creed steps through first, as Haide turns over her shoulder, winking at Legend who’s still glaring at her back.

“What’s wrong, brother...” I nudge his shoulder before snatching London’s hand with mine. I’ll be fucking damned if I let her out of my sight ever again. “Don’t like the new girl?”

He sneers, following us through. “Did you see her pet the hair of that guard’s severed head with a smile?” He shakes his head. “She’s fucking crazy.”

I think what he means is that she’s crazier than him, our logical, but ferocious when called for it, little brother.



The portal snapsclosed behind us as we materialize in the center of the stadium. Dust kicks up around us as the crowd in the stands quiets completely. I find Magdalena instantly as she pauses what she’s saying, turning to look at us all. Her mouth drops open suddenly, as Agro moves closer to her.

His eyes fly wide and then his hands lift.

Thunder cracks above, clouds materializing in the span of a breath, blocking out the people's view of the circular arena. This is where people battle during the placement trials at Rathe U. This is where the final determination is made—are you Argent at heart or does the organ that beats in your chest bleed black like us true Stygian.

“I am so sick of that thunder, motherfucker,” London grits, throwing her arms down, sending sparks into the earth and then lifting them to the skies. Lightning sparks across the place, crackling and booming on all surfaces and then it comes together, to form one giant lightning bolt. It hits the deck with a fierce clap, the wood and the seats the remaining council sit on turns to ice.

London smirks, then cocks her head. “Haide?”

“Dying to play.” The dark-haired warrior fucking princess steps forward.

Magdalena's eyes narrow on the girl and Haide laughs, waving her fingers at her, and then faster than even my eyes could process, she’s pulled a dagger from her side, and thrown it.

It whistles through the air at warp speed, sticking straight into the center of the deck.

She smiles, standing back and slaps hands with London without looking.

Her lips form a small O, as she lets out a quick breath, as if to blow out a simple candle. The ice cracks, the Ministry's eyes widen, and then itbreaks, sending everyone on it tumbling into an avalanche of ice.

Magdalena breaks their fall by turning the ice to a wave of water, surfing down its surface.

Odin leaps forward, eyes wide as he looks from us to the Ministry. “What the hell is this?” he barks.

His next words are cut off as the Mage throws up a barrier, yanking him backward and then the war cries begin.

Yemon is still in effect and the skies begin to bleed, distorting our vision just as there is a break in the storm clouds.

“Knight!” I whip around, relief flooding through me as I spot Silver, Vicente, and several other of the royal guards slashing through the fog and leaping over the stadium walls.

They jog up, braced and ready, bowing and slapping their fists to their chests.

The Argents rage, throwing weak spells at the shield London holds strong, but she doesn't let them hit her sheet of impenetrable ice. She bats them away with a flick of her wrist and a grin, sending them back to the person who sent them to us.
