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“Does only the Captain call you Mara then?” I asked, glancing at my fingernails as if the answer didn’t bother or interest me at all.

“Only my Lovers call me Mara,” she briefly observed her own fingernails before dropping them to trace the curve of her chest. “Why Nettle, would you like to call me Mara?” she licked her lips slowly, looking hungrily at my collar.

I shook my head quickly, forcing my gaze up to the canopy where it was safe.

“Very well,” she sighed as if disappointed. Was she disappointed? That didn’t make any sense… unless she really was unsatisfied. Could I satisfy her? I clenched my jaw tighter at the images that were now taking root in my mind. Her lips back on my neck, my hands tangled in her hair, this time our lips would take turns trailing lower… What in heaven’s name was wrong with me? I clenched my legs against the growing need.

“It’s been a long day, for both of us. I'm well versed in the disappointment of missing your target. So while I know it won’t mean much coming from me, everything will look better after we get some rest.” Her weight left the bed, and I looked instinctively to know where she was.

Her back was to me as shadows made quick work of the laces in her gown. Before I could look away, it cascaded slowly down her skin. The fabric defied gravity as it slid down like a lovers caress, leaving behind questionable lace as her only covering. I turned around until I heard her slipping under the covers.

“Remember, smothering and strangling attempts will just piss me off.” She warned me in a dry tone, but by the time I turned back around her eyes were closed.

Rather than risk strangling her, or undressing near her, I stayed above the covers still fully dressed. Her breathing evened out before stopping completely like it was simply a bad habit left over from her humanity. Meanwhile, I stared at her still form, my own breathing sped up. I was close enough to touch her, or kill her rather than drag a blade across that ridiculously smooth skin.

Logically I wanted that, needed it really, except that she hadn’t been anything like I was expecting. Never needlessly cruel, promising to keep me alive and let me go after I surrender the information she needs. Why not torture me? Why not give me to the Captain? Why keep me in her bed, dress me in her clothes? Why offer for me to be her lover? Her lips had parted ever so slightly in sleep, giving the impression that she was only moments from speaking, or making a sound. If that sound had straight forward answers I found that I was yearning for it. I ached to understand the unexpected tug that made me want to press my lips to hers.

Rolling away from the sight of her I slowed my breaths until I could think straight. She wanted to know who had sent me, why I wanted her dead. I could hardly tell her I wanted her dead because she cursed me as a child, or that the person who’d sent me was my God who came to me in a vision and struck a deal with me. She’d either put me back into the same curse, kill me, or throw me in a cell for lunacy. No, not answering was wiser. Perhaps I could reveal other things to gain her trust? What could I reveal that wouldn’t give my identity or purpose away more? Yinzu would know, or Celia. How I longed for them both.

The darkness of my lids faded slowly into the dreamless landscape that had been my only form of rest since the bargain. My heartbeat filled the space like a war drum. Reminding me I’m miles from resting, that I’ll never rest until the curse is broken or I’m dead. Sometimes I wondered which I really wanted. As my heart rate increased, I wondered if I’d wake, or if I would simply be more exhausted the next day, being trapped without true sleep.

Wandering the darkness, I tried to conjure light or shapes. Anything to break up the monotony of black while missing the times my God would visit with light and wisdom. With no sign of him I adopted Master Yinzu’s meditative stance and attempted to convince myself that I was doing this by choice. That I was not trapped, only deep in thought and could wake whenever I opened my eyes.


Ididn’t sleep, nor did I see my God in meditation, something that irked me as I could not inform him or gather his advice on my current situation. Forcing me to continue my inner battle alone, I took turns staring at the sleeping being beside me and trying to decide why she felt like both my keeper and my nightmare.

My incessant stress spiked when a nightmare creature, a dreadling, rolled under the door and began its disturbing transformation from a sweet blob into a thing worthy of its name. The gold eyes ignored me in favor of its Mistress, a long-clawed hand reached out and brushed aside her hair before tapping her alabaster skin.

Her eyes found their twins, and I watched in disturbed wonder as their pupils expanded till the gold was just a thin ring. They stayed that way until the Nightmare released its hold on her.

“Thank you, Roya. Rest now.” She traded places with the creature, and I scooted further down the bed, embarrassed by how close I’d gotten to her on the large thing. She disappeared into the wardrobe for a matter of seconds before exiting in a full gown. She strode to the door, and I made a sound of confused dismay.

“You’re just going to leave me here with that thing alone… tied to the Bed?” Surely not.

“Yes, unless you have changed your mind and you would prefer to tell me who sent you and swear to bring no harm to me or my subjects?” She ran her fingers through her hair softly, using the shadows to first detangle and then elegantly weave the locks into a crown.

“And if I refuse? Will you instruct your creature to attack me in your absence?” I lifted my chin, hiding my trembling hands beneath the covers.

“Her name is Roya, and she’s a lot nicer than you, Nettle. Aren’t you Roya?”

The clawed hand waved her off exhaustedly, a move I pretended not to recognize as endearing.

“Exactly,” Mara said to Roya as if words had accompanied the movement. Addressing me again, she continued, “She needs to rest and will do nothing but fetch you food and ask the shadows to allow you access to the lavatory. I’ll be back later, save your rude behavior for my return. Until then, Nettle, remember Mistress is watching.” She tapped her temple with a smile before sealing the tomb behind her.

If I didn’t know better, I’d say she was enjoying herself. What was I missing?


I’d opted to sit on the floor at the furthest distance possible from the bed while leashed, an arrangement that Roya approved of. She’d thrown me a cushion and closed the curtains between us before splaying out. Her overly long legs hung off the end and I trained my eyes on them like an unwelcome spider. Convincing myself as long as I knew where she was, I wasn’t in immediate danger. Only when her snores shook the frame did I decide to pass the time with some training.

First, I did the arm, leg and core strengthening practices that Master Jericho swore by. The ridiculous stretching positions Master Eliza favored. Finishing with the mind numbing meditation and thought exercises, Master Yinzu drilled when separated from the bow, using her snores as a sort of white noise to clear my mind. When the sound stopped, I shuffled backwards, putting as much distance between us as I could, the leash straining as the curtains parted.

Her hands were large enough to swallow her face, something she ignored as she tried to rub her eyes with her massive, closed fists. When they lowered at last, I saw her drowsy eyes land on me, widening as she took in my obvious fear. She made gestures, her eyes widening and narrowing in what might have been speaking expressions except for the fact I could hear nothing.

“If you’re trying to talk to me, you’re going to have to speak louder. I can’t hear a word you’re saying.” I intoned.

Her hand drags down her face in exasperation before she offers her hand.

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