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“So you don’t feel a soul-deep need to touch her when she’s near? You don’t crave her presence? Feel unexplained jealousy around anyone else that gets to feel her? Taste her?” He draws out the last question and the image of him on his knees in front of an empty mirror brings back the flash of jealous rage that I couldn’t also see or feel or taste her. That dying to know if I could elicit the same sounds, or louder ones.

“I thought that was her succubus magic,” I mutter.

“The only tricks she has as a succubus is to lower inhibitions, or elicit pleasure with her touch, as well as use that pleasure to fill her magic stores.”

“I experienced pain when she touched me.”

“Those feelings are easily misinterpreted, especially without context. You might have interpreted pain when she was sending extreme pleasure. But there is nothing else. Her magic is now simply fueled with the pleasure she inspires from others, instead of dreams. And her magic is drained from keeping the shadows alive.”

“Why can you control them then?”

“She taught them to listen to my whistles, they still retain a bit of their sentience. But ultimately they require what remains of her magic to stay on this plane and not fade to the next.” he admitted.

“I see,” I said, the information whirling around my brain. I was part fae, Mara was my mate and definitely not responsible for the curse, or the cure. Ravensford and I were both her mates. Drago was a high-fae vampire that could turn into a Dragon, and used vampirism to seize more power. Vampirism was a curse made by humans to defeat fae… Mara was my mate.

“So how are we going to defeat this bastard?” I finally asked. Deciding prophecy or not, that was all I wanted besides perhaps the chance to talk to Mara and Ravensford more about this mate business.

“I thought you’d never ask.” Ravensford grinned.


Ravensford was addicted to the written word. Despite acting the soldier, he was a poet at heart through and through. After spending a few hours memorizing Drago’s keep we were back to trying to find any mention of the power used or the person responsible for creating vampirism. Anytime I was too rough with turning a page I was reprimanded as if I had torn the wings off a butterfly.

“Nettle, if you don’t learn the meaning of the wordgentlyin the next hour I swear I will issue you a death match myself.” He growled as I tried turning a page that was made of literal dust.

“Good! Take me outside and beat me into the ground but I can’t do this anymore. I’m going crazy waiting for her to return.” I say looking up to show the redness of my eyes from trying to squint.

“I was only joking. You aren’t meant to be moving up and around yet. At least… not violently.” He mumbled.

“Well then take me on a walk! Take me into the grounds! I haven’t left this castle since I got here and could do with a change of scenery that doesn’t include dusty books in a language I can barely read.” I whined. I couldn’t help it, really. I never stayed indoors if I didn’t have to.

“Actually Nettle… that’s a great idea. Let’s go for a walk.” He stood, offering me a hand up before racing away to return with another sack of my newly tailored clothes and freshly oiled leathers and boots. I put them on with his help and waited impatiently as he strapped both our weapons to his back. I only allowed him to rush me through the halls only to save time… and maybe my strength.

As we exited the main building he put me down, allowing me time to take in the sprawling castle that contained several moonlit courtyards, orchards, and crowded gardens. Several bats hung from trees as humans roamed about so I followed Ravensford to the outer wall. The dark pointed towers glinted with the stars as if it was the sky itself that protected this haven of life and greenery. A few guards waved drowsily at Ravensford before lowering the portcullis. I waited until we made it across the winding stone bridge over the moat so as to not be over heard before confirming what I already knew.

“So you really saw my curse?” I asked as we made it to the first of the trees. My shoulders relaxed as I ran my hand along the blackened wood. Perhaps it had not been my successful slaying that had raised my spirits so long ago, but the presence of the trees that my blood called home.

“I saw that he promised Mara’s ashes would break it, and that your dreams were the price of you waking. And that everyone looked to be asleep, but I don’t quite understand what the curse is.”He said, watching me stroke the trunk in a daze.

“Well then, if you don’t mind my talking while we walk, I can tell you the story in my own words?”I said, eager to confirm my suspicions and surround myself with the trees.

“We should be fine, there’s been no reports of Drago or his ilk recently.” he said with a smile.

“My parents had extreme difficulty conceiving. So, in honor of my first name day there was an invitation sent to all the rulers of the mainland and surrounding islands to join us in celebration. It was supposedly a beautiful day… until the dark succubus, the enemy of our church and kingdom appeared. She claimed my parents would rue the day they named a female their heir before cursing me and my kingdom. She said that one day I would cave to the unseemly emotions of womanhood and purge my kingdom into darkness. It was a vague but powerful threat in my people’s eyes. The King and Queen, unwilling to send their only heir away hired three Masters to come and train my body, soul, and mind. So that they might prevent this great catastrophe. Not all of his advisors or allies were so convinced. I was seen less of an heir and a more troublesome woman with a kingdom as a consolation prize. I joined the Slayers in my teen years, determined that I would slay the vampire that cursed us so that I might be able to prove my worth.

The King paid for a unit of them to stay permanently while we trained and worked. As we slayed, I learned all the rumors that existed. How Mara was cruel, claiming others’ partners out of jealousy and encouraging many to do the same. When I woke to see my entire kingdom asleep, and was offered a bargain from the man I thought was my God, I did not question it. I thought I knew her and hated her. Only after I arrived did I slowly begin to realize it was a lie. I could not understand why she or you would treat me kindly, or what point there was in seeing me as anything other than your enemy. Now that I realize that the majority of what I thought I knew was manipulated by Drago, I can think of nothing other than bringing him to justice. Of slaying the true monster and the curses he has cast.

“Do you believe they are still asleep?” Ravensford asked.

“I do not know. Drago claimed he called up the thorny barrier to deter her and your vampire hoard from descending on them while they slept. It could have been that he’s already been there and turned them while I came here to kill her. Before I left, I saw they were all breathing, though if we really have been asleep for 100 years I do not know if they would survive the waking.” My nerves dropped at that thought returning and I glanced down a curve in the trail, hoping to see Mara’s carriage or her silhouette.

“Thorny barrier?” he asked, glancing at me.

“Yes it covered every wall, and entry, killing some that fell asleep too close to it. They parted for my leaving by Drago’s order but otherwise it’s really only accessible by air.”

“Then Mara would have no trouble getting in. However, I think you’ll find Drago exaggerated his power once again in the matter of the vines.

“What do you mean? How else would they have gotten there?” I ask, confused by the idea.
