Page 101 of Dead of Night

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“And voluntarily surrender the first friend I’ve had in ages? Certainly not. I’m far too selfish for that.”

“Then what are you saying?”

He placed his tiles on the board with a flourish. “That I’m in your corner. Whatever you’re hiding… Whatever others might want from you, if you don’t want them to have it, then neither do I.”

Perceptive vampire. It shouldn’t have surprised me given his heightened senses.

“Thank you, Otto. That means a lot to me.” More than he could possibly know. I observed him for a long moment, debating whether to tell him more. In the end, I decided I couldn’t risk it. My secret put everyone in contact with me at risk. The less they knew, the safer they’d be. Even grumpy Otto didn’t deserve to be ensnared in whatever mess I might find myself in if my secret were to get out. The Corporation had cast a shadow over my idyllic small town life. Granted, the existence of the crossroads had crushed my hope for a normal life. I’d have to settle for the supernatural version.

There was only one way forward—keep my secret safe or die trying.

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