Page 48 of Fierce-Trent

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He was looking at her when he said it. She flushed a little and then said, “To many more, in and out of the courtroom.”

He’d take that as one win alone.

They both put the wine to their lips and sipped.

His nose twitched and her lips pursed and they started to laugh.

“Damn, that’s sour,” he said. He grabbed the bottle and glanced at the name, then pulled his phone out to look it up. “Well, it says mouth-puckering baked apple notes. Guess they hit the nail on the head there.”

“Actually the second sip isn’t as bad,” she said. “And it’s good too once you get past that.”

He took another sip. “You’re right. Have a seat. It’s early yet. Barely six. Do you have a curfew? Do you need to call Eli? I’m not sure about those things.”

“Eli called me this morning. I probably won’t talk to him tonight. He wanted to tell me he was going to a pool party with his cousins. He’ll most likely spend the night too.”

“Is Jax single? No cousins for Eli on your side?” he asked.

“Not first cousins, no. I’ve got some first cousins that have kids, but they are younger and I don’t see them as much. Eli does enough with spending time with Jeff’s family. I do feel he has a well-rounded upbringing.”

He could tell she might not like that she’d said negative things about her ex and was trying to counter it.

Again, not many would have done that.

“I’m sure he does. Tell me more about yours,” he said. “I know where you went to college and that you’ve got an older brother.”

She stood up and moved over to a shelf where he had some pictures of his siblings and family and started to look. He’d seen some at her place but hadn’t looked too closely at them.

“Is this your family?” she asked, picking up the wedding picture of Raina and Cody, him, Jonah and his parents.

“Yes,” he said. “I’m sure you can figure out who everyone is. You know Raina.”

“I met her once when I went to the Fierce office. Grant and Garrett walked me around and introduced me to a bunch. I met Megan too, just that day. Your brother is huge!”

Trent sighed. “He is. I told you he owns a gym. He trains MMA fighters and boxers.”

“Did he fight?” Roni asked. “He looks big enough to have.”

“He did but not for long. He sustained a head injury in his last fight and said he was done. He’s fine now. No worries, but his heart hadn’t been in it either.”

He wasn’t going to go into details about Jonah’s injury and that his brother still got migraines and suffered from vertigo at times. Lots of people did in the world that hadn’t had head injuries.

“Why do something like that if your heart isn’t in it?” she asked. “I mean you’re talking about physical pain.”

“Well, there was a girl,” he said.

“Enough said,” she said. “We all do stupid things in our lives for the opposite sex.”

“Not everyone,” he said.

“Really?” she asked. “Never?”

“I guess it depends on what stupid things consist of. I suppose you’re right, but I wouldn’t get in a ring and have my face bashed in. Then again, I don’t like pain all that much.”

“Not many do,” she said.

They’d finished their glass of wine, neither of them wanting a second. He wasn’t sure what he’d do with the rest of it.

“Do you want to watch TV or a movie? Something tells me you’re about all talked out.”

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