Page 144 of Blue Collar Babes

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My stare slides over to the man standing next to me, embarrassment flooding my veins. I was so terrified that Jacob and little miss perfect were going to walk by at any moment that I hadn’t even noticed him standing there.

“Yes.” I nod then shake my head. “No. I’m not sure.”

He chuckles, the deep musical sound relaxing my tense muscles. “I’ve been there.”

A smile spreads across my face as I turn to face him, and my stomach does a little flip when my gaze collides with a pair of bright blue eyes. My stare roams down his body, my cheeks growing warm as I take him all in.

Holy crap. The man is gorgeous. Tall, broad frame. Thick, dark hair. There’s a salt and pepper beard lining his chiseled jaw and faint crinkles around his gorgeous eyes. He’s older than me. I’m guessing mid to late forties. But the whole distinguished vibe only works in his favor.

I’ve never seen him around here before. He must either be visiting or just moved here. Either way, it isn’t likely that Jacob knows him either. Which means, he could be the answer to my problem.

“Actually, I might have officially lost my mind because I’m about to ask you to do something that’s completely insane.”

His brow lifts, his gorgeous eyes twinkling with amused curiosity. “Yeah? What’s that?”

“I need you to pretend that you’rewithme.”

“With you?”

Before I have a chance to explain, Jacob calls out my name.

The guy looks at Jacob then back at me, a playful smile tugging at his full lips as the pieces of the puzzle come together. I give him one more pleading look before turning around, silently begging him to play along.

“Hi, Jacob.”

My chest tightens as I allow myself to really look at him for the first time since we broke up, and memories we shared together flash through my mind like a picture book. He still looks like the man I fell in love with all those years ago—same dirty blond hair, pretty hazel eyes, and charming smile. Only now when I look at him, all I feel is hatred.

His fiancée shifts uncomfortably at his side as my gaze flickers to her, and the two of us exchange an awkward, tight-lipped smile. It’s the best I can offer. I know she’s not the reason my relationship ended, though I’m almost certain he cheated on me with her. But my heart was broken. I’m allowed to be a little petty and immature.

“I haven’t seen you in a while,” he says, a mischievous grin curling his lips. “It’s starting to feel like you’re avoiding me.”

My back stiffens as my accomplice snakes his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side. “I’m afraid that’s my doing. I’ve been keeping her pretty busy lately.”

My mouth drops open when he grabs a box of magnums off the shelf and tosses it into my empty basket, my face heating as he winks at me. Maybe asking a complete stranger to pretend to be my boyfriend wasn’t the brightest idea I’ve ever had.

Jacob’s mask slips as he eyes the guy, his features briefly twisting with anger before it slides back into place. “Aren’t you going to introduce us to your new friend, Bee?”

“Oh, umm…this is…uh…”

“Roman Pierce,” he answers for me.

“Nice to meet you, Roman,” Jacob says, not an ounce of sincerity in his tone. “I’m Jacob Elroy,” he pauses, searching Roman’s face for recognition he won’t find, “and this is my fiancée, Sara.”

“Nice to meet you,” she chimes in.

One thing’s for sure, she’ll fit nicely into the role of dutiful wife. I was never going to be who Jacob wanted me to be.

“I wasn’t aware Bee wasseeinganyone new.” Jacob’s voice is full of suspicion as his hard glare studies us. “And it’s hard to keep something like that a secret in this town.”


He’s right. If I was seeing someone new, there’s no way he wouldn’t have heard about it by now. The people in this town are far too invested in other people’s lives.

“Well…we don’t exactly get out much, if you know what I mean.” Butterflies take flight in my stomach as he leans in and nuzzles his nose into my neck, his lips placing delicate kisses on the sensitive flesh. Warmth spreads through my body, but he pulls away, leaving me lightheaded. “I tend to be a little greedy when it comes to her.”

I bite back a smile when Jacob’s eyes narrow, a sense of triumph washing over me as his jaw begins to twitch.

Maybe this plan wasn’t so bad after all.

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