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“That in a few hours, you only show up if it’s what you want and not because your brother is asking you to.”

“You worried I might not show?”

“Maybe.” His brown eyes were measured as they slowly traced the length of me. Immediately following he cupped the back of my head and brought his face close to mine. His thumb stroked the side of my throat. “I’m not a betting man. I like to deal in guarantees.” Something in his dark eyes shifted from amusement to hunger just before his lips met mine. The first touch was soft but then his mouth conquered mine and his hand was at my back, bringing me to him.

My body blazed against the firmness of his while my tongue surrendered. His taste was intoxicating and my head was already swimming with need.

Heat flooded my body and I opened more at the feel of his palm blazing a trail over my skin from my lower back to my hip. He pulled back some, barely, a little. Just enough to suck my lower lip then pierce it with his teeth before his mouth consumed mine again.

Sparks of electricity settled against my skin when his fingers pressed harder into my hip, moving me closer, allowing me to feel him hard and long digging into my stomach.

Then it was over. He stepped back, taking the warmth of his body with him and I almost stumbled forward. I sucked in a sharp, desperate breath feeling lightheaded. I pressed my fingers to my lips. The contact made my entire body tingle from my core, spreading like wildfire through every inch of me.

His brown eyes held mine with an intense determination and the smugness of his smile had me slightly annoyed. The kiss was intentional and so was his next move. His scent wrapped around me when I felt his warmth shift close again, this time not touching but lingering teasingly close.

“I’ll see you in a few hours.”

I frowned after a featherlight kiss brushed my temple. “You came here to kiss me?”

He smiled confidently, the arrogance of his gaze burned into me. “I told you, I like to deal in guarantees.”

I was granted one last kiss. This one landed at the side of my neck, the sensitive spot between my shoulder and my throat. “Get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow.”

He gave me one last look then turned to leave. My stomach clenched, my pulse was still racing, and my heart thundered in my chest. The minute my door closed the air left my lungs on a soft exhale. A smile crept onto my face. This would be my last few hours as a single woman and Elias left here knowing the same.

And I both loved and despised his arrogance.



I swallowedmy meds and sat for a minute trying to clear the anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach. The changes from the new combination were subtle but I felt them. I’d have to talk to Dr. Temple when I got back because I wasn’t sure the changes she made were beneficial. Right now, my mind was on one thing.

Marrying Cress.

When I showed up at her apartment, I told her it was because I only dealt in guarantees. That had been the truth but I wasn’t concerned that she wouldn’t walk down the aisle with Christian at her side, prepared to hand her over to me. I had my guarantees about Cress long before today. I simply wanted another reminder of what would soon be mine.

Body and soul.

The minute I entered her, both would be mine and I couldn’t fucking wait.

“Who the fuck gets married at ten in the morning?”

A man obsessed with his future wife.

I glanced over my shoulder at my brother, then turned to face him, leaning against the dresser. My hands gripped the edge on each side of me while I took in his agitated state. I could see the tension in his shoulders, the muscles locked tight around his mouth and eyes as he approached me but the minute he came to a stop, his features relaxed.

“Never thought I’d see this day. You look good.”

“I better. Damn suit cost me ten grand.”

A Kameron Tyler original, cut to pair perfectly with one of six dresses I’d hand selected for Cress. I was anxious to know which one she’d chosen.

“You paid ten grand for a suit that you’ll be in for a few hours.” His posture completely relaxed and a smile spread across his face.

“Isn’t it necessary to look the part?”

He chuckled, slipping his hands into the pockets of his tux pants. “It’s your day. You can have whatever you want.” He looked me over once more and gave me a small smile. “You ready for this?”

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