Page 102 of Shadows and Whispers

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How could I already be obsessed with the need to be close to this man?

We talked about nothing important but the conversations felt necessary. I also didn’t mind that I was the one who did most of the talking because whenever Elias did contribute, it was always thoughtful in ways that allowed me pieces of him without having to pry and pull. His quiet presence was a welcomed surprise and made the day pleasantly enjoyable because it felt like I could just be with him in the moment.

Our first day here had been perfect. It ended with an early dinner then my husband made me cum while the sun set and disappeared into the ocean. After we showered and climbed in bed, we talked until I fell asleep in his arms. If there was a such thing as true paradise, I had to be currently experiencing it.

* * *

The next morning I woke up alone in bed again. After I climbed from beneath the sheets, naked like the morning before, I slipped into the bathroom to shower and prepare for the day before I went searching for Elias. I slipped on one of his t-shirts and left the bedroom.

I passed a table set up for breakfast, similar to the one we shared before but he wasn’t at the table, so I moved out into open space, lifting my face to the sun, before I did a quick scan of the surrounding waters.

Toned brown arms cut through the aqua currents moving with precision away from our bungalow and heading back toward me. He did this several more times, moving effortlessly through the water, arms and back flexing with the precise yet graceful movements.

After about another twenty minutes, he swam to the ladder and climbed out of the water stepping onto the deck. Without pausing, he headed right to me, water dripping from his very immaculate body creating a very enjoyable visual.

He leaned in for a kiss then moved past me reaching for the towel, which was draped over one of the chairs, leaving my body in a chaotic mess of desire. The man's presence was so overwhelming, I wondered if I would ever get used to this or him.

“You’re up early again…”


“Did you sleep at all?”

His body stiffened slightly before he nodded sharply in my direction. “I’m going to take a quick shower then we can eat.”

I kept my eyes on him until he was out of my line of sight then shoved a few slices of fruit in my mouth before heading back into the bathroom. I caught Elias just as he cupped his hand to his mouth and threw his head back, swallowing. When he lowered his eyes and they met mine through the mirror, his expression was hard but he didn’t speak. Only lifted three pill bottles and shoved them back into the toiletry kit which he then tossed on the bamboo landing below the sink.

I leaned against the wall, watching him as he walked into the glass enclosure, turned on the water, and stepped under the spray still in his trunks. Eventually he pushed them over his hips and they fell to his feet. My eyes followed but then traveled back up his muscular legs, lingering at the thickness hanging between them before crawling slowly up his chest. His eyes were on me when mine finally made it to his face but his expression was still hard as he watched me, tentatively dragging a soapy washcloth over his body.

The pills.

He’s uncomfortable.

I was well aware that this was a part of who he was but I never wanted him to feel less than or the need to hide from me. Right now he wasn’t hiding but he wasn’t necessarily projecting that he felt open or accepting of my intrusion.

“Should I leave?”

“Do you want to leave?”

My brows furrowed slightly. “No, but I feel like you might want me to.”

His expression softened a little and his eyes lowered to where he’d left the toiletry bag. “Does that bother you?”

“No, should it?”

He searched my face like he needed something that I hadn’t given but then his expression relaxed. “I take them every morning. I never forget.”

I nodded but kept quiet. I wasn’t sure what he needed me to say if anything at all and I didn’t like the uncertainty and tension that lingered between us.

“You’re safe with me,” he said roughly, his jaw tight.

“I know that.”

We remained silent and I watched him until he rinsed the soap from his body. When he turned off the water, I met him at the opening of the shower with a towel which he moved over his body, patting himself dry and tossing in the wicker basket under the sink.

He stepped back into the bedroom and removed a pair of shorts from one of the drawers and slipped them on extending a hand to me once they were in place. I moved to him and slid my palm against his, allowing him to lead me to the table where he sat and pulled me down into his lap. His arms closed around my body and his breath exhaled, warmly fanning over my cheek. “You’re safe with me, Cress.”

My chest tightened because he needed me to reinforce that I believed that to be true.

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